Answer: Biodegradable wastes are materials that naturally decompose or break down.
Plants, animals and their excrement, as well as paper, fruits and vegetables are examples of biodegradable materials
Kitchen garbage, organic waste, paper and other natural materials are examples of biodegradable waste
The degradation of biodegradable trash occurs quickly
Bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms are capable of degrading the substance and releasing it into the soil
Biodegradable substances can be used to make biogas, manure, fertilisers and compost once they have degraded
Non-biodegradable materials are compounds that take a long time to decompose.
Non-biodegradable materials include rubber, plastic, chemicals and paint plastic
Non-biodegradable compounds are often chemically manufactured and do not occur naturally
The non-biodegradable trash takes a long time to decompose
Non-biodegradable compounds are not easily degraded or degraded by natural mechanisms
Because the rate of decomposition of non-biodegradable trash is slow, separation and recycling are difficult and costly