- The term in-situ conservation refers to the conservation and protection of the wildlife and biodiversity within their natural habitats
| - The act of conserving biodiversity in areas other than their naturally occurring habitats is referred to as ex-situ conservation
- Such areas known to conserve biodiversity are national parks and sanctuaries
| - An artificial environment is created that mimics their natural habitats
- It aims to achieve the maintenance of biodiversity by itself by the ecosystem conditions
| - The purpose of genetic conservation or to bring genetic variation is achieved away from their original site of habitat
- The processes involved in an in-situ conservation setup involves
- the establishment of a network of safe and protected area
- Proper management protocols and methods
- Setting up corridors to bridge various fragments
- Restoration of degraded condition of the original habitats within and improving the quality of life and living conditions.
| - Establishment of the following i.e.
- Zoological garden
- Botanical garden
- Tissue culture
- Germplasm bank
- Seed banks
- Pollen bank
- Gene and DNA
- Alleviation of biotic pressure rehabilitation is involved in the in-situ method of conservation of biodiversity
| - It involves a thorough inspection, identification and rehabilitation of the threatened species;
- Process of augmentation, reintroduction and introduction protocol criteria to be fulfilled
- It encourages the continuation of species through the phenomenon of adaptation, survival and evolution
| - The probability chances of reproductive success in endangered variants are multiplied through ex-situ conservation
- Effective mobilisation and freedom to wildlife is an added advantage as such type of conservation has a large area set up for the wildlife
| - Due to conditions of limited area setup the wildlife usually doesn’t enjoy effective mobilisation, unlike in-situ conservation setup
- Examples of In-situ conservation: Sanctuary, National parks, biosphere reserves etc.
| - Examples of ex-situ conservation:
Aquarium, botanical garden, zoo, seed banks etc. |