Q. Define Weedicides.
Answer: Weedicides are pesticides or weed killers that are used to eliminate undesirable plants.
Weedkillers are chemical-based solutions that are particularly formulated to target various types of weeds in the most effective method while causing no harm to the rest of the crop. For increased production, they are commonly employed in agricultural activities. Weedicides have a high water solubility and are naturally persistent.
How to Use Weedicides
Unless you are using a hand sprayer or a Pull & Spray pack, you will need to:
Use a watering can
Use a pressure sprayer
Weed by hand
Dig or forking out weeds
Hoeing weeds
Types of Weedicides
1. Post-emergence Weedicide
These weedicides are used to kill weeds that have already germinated and work most efficiently on weed plants that are still in their early stages and haven’t started producing seeds.
2. Pre-emergence Weedicide
Annual grassland weeds and broadleaf weeds are the most common targets for pre-emergence weedicide. It should be kept in mind that pre-emergence herbicides have little effect on weed seeds that have already germinated.
3. Selective lawn Weedicide
They are designed to kill broadleaf weeds and are suitable for large lawn areas. They rarely harm the grass. Selective Weedicide functions by inducing unsustainable growth in the weed. In other words, the weed ‘grows itself to death.’
4. Non-selective Weedicide
The majority of the plants they come into contact with are killed. They are most commonly used to remove weeds from hardscapes, such as sidewalks, driveways, and other nooks and crannies.
5. Contact Weedicide
These destroy any above-ground organism that comes into touch with it. Contact Weedicides is ideal for eradicating annual weeds and ‘burning off’ perennial weeds’ leaves.
6. Systemic Weedicide
This is a powerful form of weedicide, and it penetrates the weed’s root system and into its subterranean system and is also effective at breaking down the weed, although they do so at a slower rate than other herbicides.
7. Residual Weedicide
These function by forming a weed killing barrier in the earth that limits the germination of weed seeds. They’re also a great technique to get rid of weeds, especially deep-rooted perennial weeds that are otherwise tough to handle.