Question & Answer » Biology Questions » Contamination of Water with Sewage is Indicated by Cysts of (A) Escherichia (B) Entamoeba (C) Pseudomonas (D) Leishmania

Contamination of Water with Sewage is Indicated by Cysts of (A) Escherichia (B) Entamoeba (C) Pseudomonas (D) Leishmania

Answer :  The correct answer to this question is option B Entamoeba. Several reports and outbreaks of sewage contamination worldwide are reported with the presence of E. histolytica. Entamoeba histolytica is a pathogenic protozoan, invasive, which can cause amoebiasis with chronic diarrhoea in most developing countries. The parasite has two stages in the life cycle, trophozoite and cyst. The Cyst is a non-motile and infectious parasite which can survive for several weeks. The cyst is excreted by faeces and is quite prevalent in tropical, non-tropical and clod areas by the medium of contaminated water. It causes morbidity in regions with inadequate and poor sewage facilities.