Question & Answer » Biology Questions » Amoeba Digests its Food in the

Amoeba Digests its Food in the

Answer :  Amoeba digests its food in the food vacuole.

Amoeba takes in nutrition using brief finger-like projections of the cell membrane, which fuse over the meal particle to form a food vacuole.

Within the vacuole, complex molecules are split into various ones, which eventually spread into the cytoplasm. 

The undigested residue is transported to the cell’s surface and discarded.

  • When a food item comes too close to the Amoeba, it produces temporary thumb finger-like projections pseudopodia around it and swallows it

  • Food is processed in the vacuole with the assistance of enzymes

  • Diffusion absorbs it into the cytoplasm of the Amoeba