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Amarbel is an Example of

Amarbel is an example of: (1) Autotroph (2) Parasite (3) Saprotroph (4) Host? Find the answer to this question here .

Q. Amarbel is an example of:

 (1) Autotroph 

(2) Parasite 

(3) Saprotroph

 (4) Host

Answer: Correct Option is (2) Parasite.

Parasites are a diverse collection of creatures that live inside the cells of their hosts. They are smaller than their host organism and multiply more quickly by inflicting more damage on it. The host provides them with a variety of perks, including food and shelter.

 Amarbel (Cuscuta) is an example of parasite.   It contains no chlorophyll. It gets ready-to-eat nutrients from the plant it’s climbing. It has a distinct growth pattern over host plants and this species can produce a significant number of branches in a short period of time. Rheumatism, headaches, labour pain, bone fractures and fever are all treated with Amarbel.