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1 Micron is Equal to

1 micron is equal to__________. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customised for students.

Q. 1 micron is equal to__________





Answer:  1 micron is equal to 1/1,000mm. So by this, option B is correct.

One micrometre is equal to 0.001milimeter. We can convert a micrometre into millimetres with the multiplication of a micrometre value or digit by 0.001. The other method to convert is dividing a micrometre by a thousand.

A micron is the unit of measurement generally used in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. There are several methods of conversion of microns into other units of measurement. 1 example is given above:

We can say that one micron is equal to one-thousandth of a millimetre. One micron in decimal is equal to 00003937 inches or 0.001mm. 

Some examples here we provide are to convert microns into millimetres or vice versa.50mm is equal to 50000u, and 100mm is equal to 100000u.

If we convert micrometre into the metre, we get 1 micrometre equal to1*10-6 metre.

Human hair is about 90 microns in diameter. A micron/micrometre is the unit of measurement of length equal to 1 millionth of a metre.

The smallest standard unit is a nanometer equivalent to one-thousandth of a micrometre. The unit system of micrometre or micron is matric. The metric system is very rational. The micrometre is used to measure infrared radiation wavelength or the size of bacteria or biological cells. The size of the longest human chromosome is 10micrometre in length. The term micron was coined in 1879 but officially declared in 1967 by the international system of units. The plural of micron is normally a micron.