Prelims Bits » World Ozone Day

World Ozone Day

World Ozone Day is celebrated on 16th September each year to commemorate the signing of the Montreal Protocol.

Why in the News?

World Ozone Day is celebrated on 16th September each year to commemorate the signing of the Montreal Protocol.

Key Points:

  • 1985: Meteorologist Jonathan Shanklin found the ‘Ozone Hole’
  • September 16, 1987: Montreal Protocol was signed by 46 countries to protect Ozone layer.
  • The theme World Ozone Day 2022: “Global Cooperation to Protect Life on Earth”

About Montreal Protocol:

  • The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (the Montreal Protocol) is an international agreement made in 1987. 
  • It was designed to stop the production and import of ozone-depleting substances and reduce their concentration in the atmosphere to help protect the earth’s ozone layer. 
  • Montréal protocol banned Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) used in AC/Fridge etc. 
  • Because they may be damaging to Ozone Layer. However, these chemicals were later replaced by hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). 
  • HFCs do not damage the ozone layer but increase greenhouse gas/global warming. 

Kigali Amendment:

  • 2016: Kigali (the capital of Rwanda) amendment was adopted at the 28th meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol. 
  • It aims to ban/phaseout HFCs.