Prelims Bits » Project NIGAH

Project NIGAH

Why in News?

  • Project NIGAH was launched by the Delhi Customs in Gurugram.


  • Project NIGAH is an initiative to track containers by using ICTM (ICD Container Tracking Module)
  • Inland Container Depot (ICD) – ICDs are also called dry ports as they handle all customs formalities related to the import and export of goods at these locations
  • ICDs are common user facilities with public authority status equipped with fixed installations and offering services for handling and temporary storage of import/export laden and empty containers carried under Customs control
  • ICTM has been developed in collaboration with the custodian Gateway Rail Freight Limited (GRFL)
  • Project NIGAH will facilitate better visibility of the container movement inside the ICD
  • The project will assist Customs to expedite long-standing containers and monitor timely clearances, thereby enhancing the Ease of Doing Business and ensuring lead preventive checks

Advantages of using ICTM under Project NIGAH

  • Helps in better container visibility after arrival at ICD
  • Fastens the container clearance process
  • Real-time tracking and location of the container
  • Helps in identifying hazardous containers and segregation
  • Provides container wise Shipping Bill information