Prelims Bits » National Tribal Research Institute

National Tribal Research Institute

Why in News?

  • The National Tribal Research Institute has been inaugurated and will act as the premier institute for the promotion and preservation of tribal heritage and culture. 


National Tribal Research Institute (NTRI):

  • This institute has been established in New Delhi and will function as the nerve centre of tribal research issues and matters in academic, executive and legislative fields

  • Currently, there are 26 Tribal Research Institutes supported by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. This National Institute will act as the link to connecting diverse tribal societies


  • The institute intends to work in the areas of tribal development, offering solutions to the tribes inhabiting areas hit by Left Wing Extremism

  • The NTRI will monitor projects of Tribal Research Institutes, Centres of Excellence and research scholars, ensuring the improvement of the quality of research and training

  • It will collaborate with a network of reputed research institutes, universities and organisations

  • Policy inputs would be provided to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs as well as the State Welfare Departments by NTRI

Other activities include:

  • Structure studies and programmes to improve the socio-economic scenario of the tribal communities
  • Provide guidelines in setting and running Tribal Museums
  • Promoting rich tribal culture under one umbrella