Prelims Bits » National Disaster Response Force

National Disaster Response Force

Why in News?

  • Prime Minister lauds National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) for their valour and service to the nation.


  • The Disaster Management Act, 2005 has made the statutory provisions for constitution of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) for the purpose of specialised response to natural and man-made disasters

  • Two national calamities in quick succession in the form of Orissa Super Cyclone (1999) and Gujarat Earthquake (2001) brought about the realisation of the need of having a specialist response mechanism at National Level to effectively respond to disasters

  • This realisation led to the enactment of the Disaster Management Act in 2005

Role and Mandate of NDRF

  • Specialised response during disasters

  • Proactive deployment during impending disaster situations

  • Acquire and continually upgrade its own training and skills

  • Community Capacity Building Programme

  • Organise Public Awareness Campaigns

  • Liaison, Reconnaissance, Rehearsals and Mock Drills

  • Impart basic and operational level training to State Response Forces (Police, Civil Defence and Home Guards)