Prelims Bits » Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus

A hydrogen fuel cell bus developed by KPIT-CSIR in Pune was unveiled by the Union minister of state for Science and Technology.

Why in the News?

A hydrogen fuel cell bus developed by KPIT-CSIR in Pune was unveiled by the Union minister of state for Science and Technology.

Key Points:

About Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus

  • Hydrogen fuel cells present in the bus produce electricity by combining hydrogen and oxygen atoms. 
  • The two gases react across an electrochemical cell similar to a conventional battery cell to produce electricity, water and small amounts of heat. 
  • This electricity is then used by electric motors to propel the vehicle forward.

Advantages of a Hydrogen Fuel Cell-Powered Vehicle:

  • Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) only emit water vapour and warm air. They do not produce any tailpipe emissions. 

  • They are more efficient than internal combustion engine vehicles. 

  • Hydrogen can be refilled in a fuel cell vehicle in a matter of minutes, nearly as fast as an internal combustion engine can be refilled with fossil fuels.