Prelims Bits » Green Fins Hub

Green Fins Hub

Recently, The United Nations Environmental Programme(UNEP) launched the Green Fins Hub that would give a major boost to sustainable marine tourism.

Why in the News?

Recently, The United Nations Environmental Programme(UNEP) launched the Green Fins Hub that would give a major boost to sustainable marine tourism.

Key Points:

About Green Fins Hub:

  • It is the first global digital platform for the marine tourism industry.


  • It will help diving and snorkelling operators worldwide to make simple, cost-efficient changes to their daily practices by utilising tried and tested solutions.
  • It will keep track of their annual improvements and communicate with their communities and customers.

About Green Fins:

  • It is a conservation management approach, which leads to a measurable reduction in the negative environmental impacts associated with marine tourism. 
  • Implementated by : The Reef-World Foundation(UK) and the UN Environment Programme.
  • It protect coral reefs through environmentally friendly guidelines promoting sustainable diving and snorkelling.