NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Pharmaceutical Analysis » Vitamin Deficiency Diseases and Their Management

Vitamin Deficiency Diseases and Their Management

In this article, we are going to discuss Vitamin deficiency diseases and its management along with its symptoms and causes.

What are Vitamins? 

Vitamins are vital elements that play an important role to eliminate the metabolism and energy generation, as well as acting as enzyme cofactors and antioxidants. Vitamins, apart from vitamin D, are not manufactured in the body and should be consumed regularly to sustain health. Vitamin shortage or excess can cause disease, and vitamin deficiency can be caused by a poor diet or disease. Vitamins can be soluble in water (B vitamins and vitamin C) or fat soluble (A, D, E, and K); fat-soluble vitamins are not as easily removed from the body and hence pose a higher risk of toxicity. Laboratory testing is used to determine the nutritional status of certain vitamins (deficiency, sufficiency, and toxicity), as well as the status in response to therapeutic treatment.

What is the deficiency of Vitamins?

Vitamin deficiency anaemia is characterised by a shortage of healthy red blood cells produced by low levels of vitamin B-12 and folate. This can occur if you do not consume enough vitamin B-12 and folate-containing foods, or if your body has difficulty absorbing or digesting these vitamins. In the absence of these nutrients, the body forms red blood cells that are excessively big and do not function correctly. This decreases their oxygen carrying capacity. Fatigue, shortness of breath, and dizziness are some of the symptoms. Vitamin supplements, administered orally or intravenously, can remedy deficits.

Symptoms of Vit deficiency –

  • Breathing difficulty

  • Fatigue

  • Skin that is pale or yellowish

  • Dizziness

  • Loss of weight

  • Heartbeat irregularities

  • Muscle fatigue

  • Confusion or forgetfulness of the mind

  • Personality shifts

  • Unsteady motions

  • Hand and foot numbness or tingling

Causes and Symptoms

What causes anaemia due to vitamin deficiency?

Vitamin deficiency anaemia is caused by a shortage of any of numerous vitamins, including B12, folate (commonly known as folic acid), and vitamin C. Megaloblastic anaemia is a kind of vitamin deficiency anaemia caused by a deficit in vitamin B12 or folate.

Some persons with the disease do not consume so many of these vitamins. In some circumstances, the individual’s body is unable to adequately metabolise or absorb certain vitamins. This issue might be caused by an underlying ailment, such as celiac. It has also been connected to activities such as smoking and alcohol consumption.

Finally, vitamin insufficiency might progress gradually, presenting ambiguous symptoms. Nutrition is an essential component of good health. Paying attention to diet can help avoid vitamin deficiency.

Common vitamin deficiency symptoms include:

  • Tiredness and poor energy

  • Bone density loss

  • Dehydrated skin and hair

  • Depression\sIrritability

  • Excessive bruising or bleeding

  • Inadequate wound 

  • Infection susceptibility

  • Skin colour shifts 

What exactly is anaemia due to vitamin deficiency?

Anaemia caused by vitamin insufficiency happens when the body has less healthy red blood cells than normal. Red blood cells aid in the delivery of oxygen to organs and tissues throughout the body. When you don’t have enough red blood cells, the system doesn’t obtain enough oxygen.


Most of the time, your body is capable of eliminating extra vitamins. Excessive doses, on the other hand, can be hazardous, and supplements can conflict with the intended activities of your drugs as well as your ability to absorb the nutrients in your meals. Consult your healthcare practitioner about the best vitamins and dosages for you—more isn’t always better.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NTA Examination Preparation.

What illnesses can be caused by vitamin deficiency disorders?

Answer. A few illnesses such as Scurvy, Rickets, Beriberi, Protein Energy Malnutrition, Vitamin K Deficiency, Osteom...Read full

How can vitamin deficiency disorders be managed?

Answer. Stopping deficiency-causing behaviours including improper diet, smoking, and frequent alcohol usage will hel...Read full

How is vitamin insufficiency tested?

Answer. Most vitamin / mineral deficiencies may be detected with a blood test, such as a finger-prick blood test, wh...Read full

How is nutritional deficiency treated?

Answer. A doctor would propose a diverse diet rich in nutrient and fortified foods to treat nutritional deficiency a...Read full

How long would it take to have a vitamin deficiency corrected?

Answer. Most dietary deficits will take around 6 weeks to 3 months to remedy.

How may vitamin insufficiency be treated?

Answer. Vitamin deficiency anaemia is treated with dosages of the missing vitamin. ...Read full