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The Relationship between Motivation And Leadership

Motivation seems to be a goal-oriented trait that aids a person in achieving their goals. It motivates a worker to begin working hard to accomplish their objectives. To impact motivation, a CEO must possess the necessary leadership qualities. Yet, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to motivation. As a leader, you should have an open mind about human behaviour. It would be much simpler to make decisions if you were aware of the various demands of your colleagues. Leadership & motivating qualities are required of both employees and managers. An excellent leader should have a solid understanding of what motivates people. Leadership is a technique for influencing people.


Workers are stuck without leadership, leading to a disorderly work atmosphere. Workers that are not motivated will not achieve their full potential. Leadership and motivational ideas, when implemented correctly, may help you lead workers and the firm to victory. Knowing the fundamental parts of essential leadership & motivational theories plus implementing them appropriately can help you achieve it.

Elements of Leadership

There are four different types of leadership theories. Autocratic leaders make choices without discussing others; democratic leaders take into account the opinions of their teams, while laissez-faire leaders avoid interfering. According to contingency theory, the context dictates the leadership style adopted.

Elements of Motivation

The motivational theory of Abraham Maslow has aided managers in conceiving employee motivation. Physiological, safety, social, self-esteem, and self-actualisation are the five categories that Maslow divides essential human needs into. As a manager, assisting an employee in satisfying consumer needs motivates him to improve his performance.


Leaders provide meaning, ideals, and a greater purpose to their followers. Combine strong leadership with meeting employee needs to encourage employees. This entails treating employees properly, recognising them for their efforts, and enforcing effective discipline. It takes you to be honest, set a better example, and give challenging responsibilities.

Motivation and Leadership: What’s the Connection?

Motivation is at the heart of all human behaviours. There will always be a significant force pushing forward to achieve our objectives. Motivation is the power that aids in setting and attaining one’s goals. People frequently have many motivations for participating in a single behaviour. All of your everyday activities are driven by motivation. It’ll be hard to achieve team goals if the boss is self-motivated but unable to encourage those around him. Each leader must recognise the importance of team member motivation and how to foster it.

Motivated members are critical to a team’s success: Demotivated employees might jeopardise a company’s success. Per the American Society for Human Resources Management, motivated and actively involved team members enhance productivity (ASRM). Demotivated organisations demand more effort and time from their individuals than motivated teams.

To foster motivation and better communication: Good leadership that promotes motivation requires effective communication. In most conferences, 46 per cent of 1015 employees said they seldom or never grasp whatever is being spoken to them. It should serve as a wake-up signal for all leaders to improve their communication methods.

Develop a Positive Mentality: A good attitude is a vital weapon that you’ll need to keep your personnel motivated. Employees’ pessimism might sap their motivation. A leader must be self-motivated and maintain an excellent attitude to encourage their group.

Emphasise intrinsic motivation: Instead of extrinsic incentive, leaders must concentrate on inner motivation. Employees that are genuinely driven work long enough to make errors, per the World Economic Forum’s newest Employee Responsibility Research (E2E) report from Oxford Dental University in Uk.

Make personal connections: Strong ties with workers are essential for leaders. Employees are much more likely to engage in and be responsible for their job.

Employees Should Be Recognized And Provided With Feedback: A leader should show that they appreciate their team members’ efforts. Praising a group member in front of others may be a strong motivator for the whole group. Employees should be praised in front of everyone and given feedback individually by a competent boss.

Ensure a Safe and Healthy Workplace: According to Dr Sanjay Agrawal, Principal Consultant, The Wellness Institute, Newbury, UK, employees who are well-fed & hydrated will become more creative and feel good in coming up every day to get the task done.


Your duty as a small-business leader is to lead and inspire staff to complete tasks. As a result, leadership & motivation are inextricably linked. Experts have produced a variety of leadership & motivational theories throughout the ages, which leaders might apply depending on the scenario. “You have to be self-motivated to become an effective leader,” keep in mind. You must be aware of your personality and demands and a deep desire to attain your objectives. When you are self-motivated, you can encourage everyone else to attain their goals and align their individual goals with the organisation’s overall objectives.


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