NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Pharmaceutical Analysis » Significance of Pharmacognosy in Various Systems of Medicine Practised in India

Significance of Pharmacognosy in Various Systems of Medicine Practised in India

Pharmacognosy is the branch that deals with the study of plants and other natural substances such as microorganisms, animals, plants and minerals, etc. through which new drugs or medicine can be extracted. It includes a complete study of the physiology and chemical, medical and biological interactions of natural substances that can be considered as possible natural sources of medicines to treat various human diseases.


Homoeopathy is a distinct medicine specialty being practised across the world. It works on the belief that our body can heal itself. Plants, animals, and minerals are the major sources of homoeopathic medicines.

It has two major principles for treating diseases. The first one is contraria contrariis curantur, which means opposite are cured by opposites. This principle teaches to cure a disease by using remedies that produce the opposite effect. The other principle is similia similibus curentur, which means similar things are cured by similar things. According to this principle, if a medicine given to a healthy person produces the same sufferings as that of a diseased individual, then it can be used to cure the disease. Here, the symptoms of the diseased individual are matched with the pathogenesis of the medicine, and the most similar medicines are selected and given to cure a particular disease.

Siddha system of medicine

Like Ayurveda, Siddha is also one of the traditional medicine systems of India. Siddha originated in South India, and its entire literature is in the Tamil language. Siddha medicine believes that human body physiology is classified as Vatha (air), Pitha (fire), and Kapha (earth and water), and whenever the equilibrium of any of these components is disturbed, a disease is caused.

According to Siddha medicine, the diet and habitat of one play essential roles in curing disease. It uses metals and minerals for the treatment of illness.

Treatment is classified into three categories:

1. Divine Method

In this method, medicines extracted from sulphur, mercury and pashanams are used for the treatment of disease or any health issues.

2. Rational method

This method uses medicines extracted from herbs for treatment.

3. Surgical Method

In this method, incision, excision, health application, bloodletting, and leech application are used.

Thus, Siddha system of medicine is a variant of the Ayurveda system, dominating Tamil culture and accepted by all cultures.

Indian system of medicine: Ayurveda

Ayurveda is derived from two words: “Ayur” meaning life and “Veda” meaning knowledge. Thus, in literal meaning, Ayurveda means the life of science. According to Ayurveda all living objects and bodies are made up of five basic elements called Pancha Mahabhutas namely Prithvi (earth), Jal (water), Agni (fire), Vayu (air), and Akash (sky). If the balance between any of these elements is disturbed, it leads to disease.

Ayurveda works on the concept that there is a fundamental correlation between the universe and man and, thus, emphasises the conservation of nature and preventing air, water, and soil pollution.

Categories of treatment:

1. Shodhana therapy (filtration treatment): This treatment aims to remove causative factors of human disease. The process does internal and external purification.

2. Shamana therapy: In this therapy, disturbed Pancha mahabhutas are returned to normal state without creating an Imbalance of other elements. The treatment includes the use of appetisers, digestives, sun, fresh air exposure, etc. Palliatives and sedatives are used in this form of treatment.

3. Pathya vyavastha: In this therapy, diet, habitat, and lifestyle are changed to improve immunity and boost pathogenetic processes. Its emphasis is on the do’s and don’ts of diet and increases digestion and assimilation to ensure the strength of tissues.

4. Nidan parivarjan: This treatment avoids the disease-contributing factors in the lifestyle and diet of patients.

5. Satvavajaya: This treatment controls medical disturbances. Eating includes preventing the mind from desiring things or habitats that are harmful to the well-being and cultivation of courage, memories, and concentration.

6. Rasayana: This treatment boosts our immunity, strength, and our energy. It involves the prevention of wear and tear of body tissues and the promotion of health content of individuals.

Significance of pharmacognosy

1. It plays a key role in new drug discovery and its development.

2. It is a link between the modern medicine system and the traditional medicine system.

3. It provides safe and effective drugs in combination with the modern system of medicine.

4. It has knowledge about the safe use of herbal drugs including their side effects, toxicity, drug interaction, etc thereby increasing effectiveness in modern medicine.

5. It is a link between pharmacology and medicinal chemistry.

6. Because of pharmacognosy, new plant drugs are finding their way into medicines as purified phytochemicals.

7. It is the basis for the development of novel medicines.


In a nutshell, pharmacognosy plays an important role in the production of new plant and herbal drugs and is practised in all the systems of medicine in India. In this article, different systems of medicine in India are discussed along with their treatment type and its benefit.


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Define pharmacognosy.

Answer: Pharmacognosy can be defined as a branch of medicine in India that deals with the study of plants and other ...Read full

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