NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Pharmaceutical Analysis » Pharmacological and Clinical Uses of Punarnava

Pharmacological and Clinical Uses of Punarnava

The Punarnava plant has clinical uses and many advantages over many other herbs. In this article, we will read about the clinical use of the Punarnava plant.

Punarnava is a medicinal plant native to India and is often used for its therapeutic qualities. Punarnava gets its name because it grows and multiplies itself into a big plant. The plant’s shoot dries up in the summer, but it quickly regenerates itself in the rainy season. The name Punarnava is derived from the word Punar which signifies once again, and Nava means new. Overall, the word “becoming new again.” This article will talk about the clinical use of this plant along with its several advantages in herbal medicines. 

Boerhavia diffusa Plant

Punarnava’s biological name is Boerhavia diffusa. This plant is used as an active ingredient because of its various health benefits. Punarnava is often called Horse Purslane, Tarvine, Red Hogweed, Red Spiderling, and Spreading Hogweed in the English language. The plant’s name originates from Sanskrit, which means something that can help our body rejuvenate and revive.

The plant’s bark is used in several medicines and is quite effective. At the same time, the plants’ leaves, aerial section, and roots are used in various treatments and remedies. Some people also use this plant as a vegetable. You can spot this plant with small purple, white, carmine, or pink flowers growing. Often the white and red flowers of this Boerhavia Diffusa are used for therapeutic purposes.

Different names of Punarnava

People know this plant as Hogweed in English. Different names in India know the plant. For example:

  • Punarnava is the Sanskrit word

  • Gadapurna / Biafra in the Hindi language

  • Thazhuthama – Malayalam

  • Ghetli — Marathi

  • Komme Beru — Kannada

  • Satodi – Gujarati

  • Atikamamidi Erra galijeru — Telugu

  • Kurattai — Tamil

Therapeutic Use of Punarnava Plant  

In the traditional Ayurveda, this plant has been used for many years. Every little section of the plant is beneficial and used for therapies. Everything is used to form medicines, from leaves to the plant’s bark. 

  • Leaves: The plant leaves are known to have antibacterial characteristics, making them best for reducing bacterial illnesses

  • If the chloroform extract of Punarnava leaves is taken, it can bring down the glucose levels and also helps in increasing plasma insulin levels drastically. The leaves are also suitable for antiproliferative and anti-estrogenic activities that can help in reducing breast cancer cells

  • Roots: The Punarnava plant root extract can be used in aqueous form because the roots can help heal the liver. Roots are often used to lower stress levels and help in the stimulation of white cells in our body

  • Stem: If the plant’s leaves and stem are combined, it can help soothe the inflammation and swelling caused by oedema. It can also be used for treating convulsions

  • This plant is also helpful in managing the symptoms of kidney problems and is often used in medicines for spleen enlargement

  • The mix of roots of these plants is used to treat intestinal worms and cure breathing problems such as asthma

Clinical Use of Punarnava Plant

This plant is often known as the magical herb which can cure the kidney and liver. The use of this plant is not only for therapeutic purposes but is also for curing many different diseases.  

  • Liver problems 

Punarnava is used in medicines that can help clean and regenerate our liver. The liver is often unable to function correctly because there is an imbalance of the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas, as per Ayurveda. These doshas can result in problems like jaundice. This herb helps correct liver function by eliminating toxins from the liver cells.

  • Urinary tract infections

Ayurveda defines urinary problems with the word Mutrak Chra. The term krichra means painful, and mutra implies oozing. Hence, Mutrakcchra is the name that tells us the painful problems while urinating and dysuria. Punarnava has mutral (diuretic) action that helps decrease burning sensations in urinary tract infections and relieves these symptoms. 

  • Obesity

Punarnava is a commonly used herb for weight loss. The weight problem comes when we stick to poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle with no exercise. Due to these, our digestive system becomes weak. Their build-up of Ama can create an imbalance in the Meda Dhatu, thus causing obesity. This plant can help in increasing the metabolism and lowering Ama.


In this article, we got to learn about Boerhavia diffusa. The plant is commonly known as Punarnava. The plant also has several clinical uses apart from helping formulate ayurvedic medicines. It is the species of flowering plant with the origin of the four o’clock family tree. As the plant thrives in the monsoon season, it is also called the spreading Hogweed. The plant can be grown in little soil and used for treating many ailments.


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How is Punarnava used for treating illnesses?

Answer: Punarnava has the characteristics to balance our body’s digestion problems and helps minimise Ama. It ...Read full

Is Punarnava suitable for diabetic patients?

Answer: Punarnava plant is very beneficial in treating renal and urinary tract problems. Many studies have also show...Read full

How do we say Punarnava in the English language?

Answer: Punarnava is also a beneficial ayurvedic herb with many health benefits that have been used to cure various ...Read full

What is the biological source of the Punarnava plant?

Answer: Boerhaavia diffusa is the biological name for this flowering plant. This plant is part of the four o’clock family and is referred to ...Read full

What are the different categories of Punarnava?

Answer: This plant, Punarnava, can be divided into two different categories. One is Boerhaavia diffusa – Rakta, a red variety and has a stem and ...Read full