NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Pharmaceutical Analysis » Pharmacological and Clinical Uses of Chirata (Swertia Chirata)

Pharmacological and Clinical Uses of Chirata (Swertia Chirata)

Chirata is a kind of herb. People create medication from the parts that grow above ground and the root. Chirata is used in the production of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Swertia Chirayita is an erect annual plant that grows to a height of around 0.5 to 1.5 metres.

It is made up of a tall, upright stem coated with bark. The leaves are opposite, lanceolate, and without stems. Swertia Chirayita has little dark yellowish blooms with sharp-pointed white to pink hairs.

Chirata is a blooming herbaceous plant that grows to a height of 3 to 4 feet in India’s and Bhutan’s northern Himalayan regions. Chirata has a variety of components that contribute to its advantages. This nutritious plant is high in antioxidants, alkaloids, and glycosides. Chirata has been shown to effectively lower fever induced by colds and flu. It is also effective against malarial fever, hysteria, and convulsions.


Chirata has compounds that may help fight infections, but further research is required. Chirata has the following nutritional value:

Chirata has a number of chemicals that add to its therapeutic usefulness. Xanthones, alkaloids, and glycosides are among the compounds. Other key components of Chirata include swertanone, amarogentin, and chiratol.

Chirata’s Therapeutic Uses

Chirata has been utilised in a variety of ways by diverse native population groups for a variety of therapeutic reasons. 

  • This plant aids in the maintenance of normal blood sugar levels and is useful in the treatment of diabetes

  • Chirata can aid with asthma and shortness of breath therapy

  • Chirata promotes wound healing, resulting in faster healing of cuts and wounds

  • Chirata can be used to boost red blood cell count in situations of anaemia

  • Chirata root is used to treat fever, cough, asthma, discomfort, the common cold, and weakness

  • Chirata leaves and stems are soaked in water, ground into a paste, and used to treat high blood pressure and headaches

  • The entire Chirata plant is cooked in water and converted into a decoction to cure malaria

  • Chirata can be used with other herbal medicines to treat scorpion bites

  • This herb is beneficial in cases of excessive vaginal discharge

  • Chirata can also be used to stimulate the appetite

  • Chirata is also useful in the treatment of TB

Chirata’s Advantages

Chirata is a plant having therapeutic properties. It is beneficial in the treatment of constipation, fever, skin problems, worm infestations, lack of appetite, cancer, and other conditions. It is used to make a bitter tonic. It has anti-inflammatory (reduces swelling) effects and is good against malaria.

It also has laxative qualities and can aid with constipation. It is also useful in the treatment of diarrhoea.

Chirata aids in the reduction of body temperature in cases of fever. Chirata has a fever-reducing effect equivalent to paracetamol.

Skin Benefits of Chirata

  • For people having issues related to eczema, and acne this chirata plant is like a blessing

  • Chirata decoction can be used to treat skin rashes

  • Chirata can help with burning feelings, dryness, and itchy skin

Chirata’s Parasite-Resistant Properties

Chirata has anti-parasitic qualities that aid in eliminating helminths (parasitic worms) and other parasites. This plant aids in the eradication of roundworms, flukes, and tapeworms. Chirata also alleviates symptoms of worm infections such as diarrhoea and liver damage.

Chirata’s Usage

Chirata comes in a number of varieties:

  • Chirata infusion

  • Powdered chirata

  • Tablets of Chirata

  • Capsules of Chirata

Your Ayurvedic physician will recommend the form and dose based on your health, age, and other considerations.

Chirata’s Impact on the Central Nervous System

Chirata generates a metabolite called Swertiamarin, which is useful in treating acute stress and anxiety due to its central nervous system effect. It is also useful for convulsions.

Chirata is beneficial in decreasing blood sugar levels by boosting insulin release and improving glucose absorption by muscle cells.

Chirata Should Not Be Used if You Have Any of The Following Medical Conditions

  • Pregnancy and nursing– There is insufficient information to determine if Chirata is safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

  • Chirata should be avoided if you have intestinal ulcers since it might aggravate the illness

  • Diabetes– Chirata may cause reduced blood sugar levels in some persons. When utilising Chirata as a treatment, it is critical to keep track of your blood sugar levels

  • Chirata should be stopped at least two weeks before a scheduled operation. This is because Chirata may impair blood sugar management during and after surgery

Chirata Negative Effects

When Chirata is used as a flavouring ingredient in meals, no side effects are seen. However, there is insufficient data to determine if Chirata is safe in big doses.


Chirata is a kind of herbaceous plant. People utilise the plant portions that grow above ground to manufacture remedies. Chirata can aid with fever, upset stomach, constipation, anorexia (lack of appetite), skin problems, intestinal worms, and cancer. Some individuals use it as a bitter tonic because it helps stimulate hunger. Chirata is often used to make alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Chirata is a very bitter herb. Some people are unable to tolerate the bitterness and may vomit as a result. While chirata works wonders for lowering blood sugar, it is important to remember that the sugar level does not go below the acceptable limit.


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