Mass spectrometry

Mass spectrometry identifies chemical components by sorting gaseous particles in magnetic and electric fields based on their mass-to-charge ratios.

Mass spectrometry is a powerful analytical method for quantifying known materials, identifying novel chemicals in a sample, and elucidating various molecules’ structural and chemical characteristics. 

The whole procedure entails converting the material into individual atoms, with or without disintegration, which are subsequently classified based on their mass to charge proportions (m/z) and relative proportions.

The structure of unknown chemicals, ecological and forensics analytes and quality control of pharmaceuticals, foods, and polymers depend heavily on mass spectrometry. Today, mass spectrometry is so intertwined with biology that fundamental aspects of proteomic research are addressed in an MS magazine.

What is mass spectrometry?

Mass spectrometry is an analytical method that identifies chemical components by sorting gaseous particles in magnetic and electric fields based on their mass-to-charge ratios. It is an important analytical method in biochemistry, chemistry, pharmacology, medicine, and many other scientific domains.

Heavier molecules will be more difficult to transport than lighter molecules when ionised. This concept is used in the functioning of the mass spectrometer, which is also the equipment used in spectrometry.

The same approach is used to investigate the effects of ionising radiation on molecules. It is dependent on chemical events in the gas phase that consume sample molecules during the production of ionic and neutral entities.

Mass spectrometry is used to evaluate combinatorial libraries, sequence biomolecules, and aid in exploring single cells or objects from space. Mass spectrometers are a device utilised in such research, and it works on the idea that moving particles may be diverted by magnetic and electric fields. 

The sole difference between the two devices is how the sorted charge carriers are detected. They are analysed electrically in the mass spectrometer and non electrically in the mass spectrograph; the word mass spectroscope refers to both types of equipment. Because electrical detectors are currently the most widely utilised, the discipline is usually known as mass spectrometry.

A mass spectrometer produces various ions from the material under examination, separates them based on their unique mass-to-charge ratios (m/z), and records the abundances of each ion type.

It follows simply from this statement that for MS to operate, atoms or molecules must carry electrical charges, i.e. be changed into ions. The electric charge works as a handle, enabling these atoms or molecules to be grabbed. Ions, unlike neutrals, may be pushed and slowed right down, sent into predetermined circles or other flight paths, and eventually collected and identified. 

Electromagnetic and/or magnetic flux may be used to identify these ions’ “racing tracks”. While the Coulombic force acts on particles in electric fields, the Lorentz force acts on ions moving in a magnetic field having a component perpendicular to the magnetic field.

The initial stage in the mass spectrometric examination of substances is the generation of vapour phase charged particles of the chemical, which is accomplished mainly by electron ionisation. This molecular ion becomes fragmented. 

Each main product ion formed from the complex ion is fragmented in turn, and so on. In the mass spectrometer, ions are separated based on their mass-to-charge ratio and discovered in the percentage of their abundance. 

As a result, the molecule’s mass spectrum is generated. It shows the outcome as a plot of ion frequency vs mass-to-charge ratio. Ions provide information about the type and structure of their progenitor molecule. 

The single-molecule ion, if available, displays the greatest value of m/z in the spectrum of a pure molecule (followed by ions carrying heavier isotopes) and provides the molecular mass of the chemical.

Analysis of biomolecules using mass spectrometry

Mass spectrometry is quickly becoming a must-have tool for studying biomolecules. Until the 1970s, the only analytical procedures that offered comparable information were electrophoretic, chromatographic, or ultracentrifugation. Because the conclusions were dependent on factors other than molecular weight, they were not absolute. As a result, the only way to determine a macromolecule’s actual molecular weight was to use a computation based on the chemical structure.

The invention of desorption ionisation techniques based on the emissions of pre-existing ions, such as plasma desorption (PD), rapid atom bombardment (FAB), or laser desorption (LD), enabled mass spectrometry to be used to analyse complex biomolecules.

IM-MS Method

The IM-MS method may analyse complicated mixtures using varying transport properties in an electromagnetic current. IM-MS may investigate the gas-phase ion structure by measuring the CCS and comparing it to the CCS of standard samples or the CCS estimated from molecular modelling. Because noise and signal can be separated in IM-MS, the signal-to-noise ratios are increased. 

Also, if the two isomers’ forms vary, they may be differentiated. More chemicals may be identified and studied because IM-MS has a higher peak capacity than MS. This property is crucial for omics research, which necessitates evaluating as many molecules as feasible in a single run. It has been used to identify chemical warfare chemicals and explosives and to analyse proteins, peptides, drug-like compounds, and nanoparticles in proteomics.


Mass spectrometry has been used in a variety of research. These include the identification of chemical element isotopes and the perseverance of their exact masses and relative proportions, the dating of geologic samples, the analysis of inorganic and organic chemicals, particularly for small amounts of impurities, the structural formula tenacity of complex organic substances, the strengths of chemical bonds and the energies required to produce particular ions, the identification of ion decomposition products, and the analysation of ion decomposition products. When used as tracer bullets in chemistry, biology, and medicine, mass spectroscopes also separate isotopes and determine the number of concentrated isotopes.


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Define mass spectrometry and list down some mass spectrometry applications.

Ans:- Mass spectrometry is a versatile technology with many implications in bi...Read full

Why is mass spectrometry important?

Ans:- Mass spectrometry is critical for recognising these changes and establis...Read full

Name the four stages of mass spectrometry.

Ans:- The four stages are: ...Read full

Which instrument is used for conducting mass spectrometry?

Ans:- A mass spectrometer is a device that generates ions and differentiates t...Read full