NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Pharmaceutical Analysis » Kalmegh: Andrographis Paniculata and Its Clinical Uses

Kalmegh: Andrographis Paniculata and Its Clinical Uses

In Hindi, Andrographis paniculata Nees is called kalmegh. It is a local crop of India and Sri Lanka.

Kalmegh is also known as ‘BhuiNeem’ since it looks like neem but has a bitter taste. Kalmegh is an upright growing annual plant. In tribal medicine, as well as in Indian Siddha and ayurvedic schools of medicine, it is considered as a miracle cure.

Andrographis is also used to treat various ailments such as in snake and bug bite therapy, appetite loss, kidney difficulties (pyelonephritis), haemorrhoids, and a genetic illness known as familial Mediterranean fever.

Kalmegh: Andrographis paniculata and its clinical uses

Fever and cold

Kalmegh is a cold-natured herb that may be utilised to reduce body heat in fevers and to eliminate toxins. It is also used to cure colds in Scandinavian countries.

Throat infections

Kalmegh is used to treat both tonsillitis and tuberculosis. It can also help with pneumonia, lung infections, and chronic bronchitis.

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of kalmegh

Kalmegh is a pain reliever and helps in reducing oedema and blood loss.

Cancer Treatment

Kalmegh is known to have a cancerolytic effect, which means it attacks cancer cells and may potentially eliminate them. Kalmegh extract boosts the immune system. Kalmegh is effective against various infectious and cancer-causing chemicals.


Kalmegh triggers the production of specific antibodies, which boosts immunological response. It also inhibits HIV-1 replication and increases the amount of white blood cells.


The laxative properties of kalmegh help in faecal elimination and improve digestion.

Liver protection

Kalmegh may be beneficial in treating liver toxicity by acting as a cleansing solvent and lowering the production of free radicals, which injure the cellular membranes that surround liver cells. Free radicals may be the cause of liver cirrhosis. This can result in coma and death. Kalmegh is an effective treatment for infective hepatitis.

Ulcer treatment

Anti-ulcerogenic effects of kalmegh extract have been demonstrated. It inhibits ulcer development by remarkably decreasing stomach acidity without generating harmful side effects.

Using Kalmegh

Any part of the kalmegh plant may be used to get active pharmacological compounds for medicinal purposes.

The plant’s fresh leaves, juice, and dried leaves are all recognized as medicines by the Indian pharmacopoeia.

Individuals suffering from jaundice might benefit from ingesting fresh leaves of the plant with black pepper in the morning for enhanced therapy.

Garlic coupled with kalmegh leaf powder and buttermilk is traditionally recommended as a jaundice treatment.

Jaundice is treated using a paste produced from the plant’s leaves and fresh twigs.

Although this has many advantages, it is best to eat anything under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effects of Andrographis

Andrographis is likely safe when taken by mouth in moderation and for a short period. It also appears to be safe when used for up to 3 months in a special combination product using Andrographis extract and Siberian ginseng.

Side effects of andrographis include lack of appetite, diarrhoea, vomiting, rash, headache, runny nose, and tiredness.

Andrographis may produce enlarged lymph nodes, severe allergic responses, increased liver enzymes, and other adverse effects when used in high dosages or for an extended period.

Warnings and Precautions

Infants and children: Andrographis is possibly safe in youngsters when taken orally for a short duration. Andrographis has been used for up to a month in combination with other herbs.

It is possibly unsafe to consume by mouth during pregnancy and breast-feeding. 

Fertility issues: Animal studies imply that Andrographis may interfere with reproduction; however, this has not been proven in humans. If you are experiencing difficulty fathering a child or getting pregnant, you should avoid using Andrographis.


Kalmegh, also known as Andrographis, is used as an astringent, germ-killing agent, pain reliever, fever reducer, and worm therapy.

Some sellers provide Andrographis products that have higher concentrations of an active component known as andrographolide. It also aids in blood pressure management by expanding blood vessels and improving blood flow. Taking Kalmegh churna on a daily basis, according to Ayurveda, helps to control arthritis by lowering Ama and also promotes hunger by increasing the digestive fire.


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Mention the clinical applications of kalmegh.

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What are the Kalmegh side effects?

Answer: Side effects of andrographis include lack of appetite, diarrhoea, vomiting, rash, headache, runny nose, and ...Read full