NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Pharmaceutical Analysis » How Pharmacies Are Helpful in Daily Life Situations?

How Pharmacies Are Helpful in Daily Life Situations?

As we all know, healthcare is a system supported by a variety of disciplines that are critical to its success. Pharmacy is one of these disciplines in particular. Pharma is the root word for pharmacy, which refers to medication manufacturing and administration science and method. One of the primary responsibilities of pharmacists is to create medications in the form of capsules, tablets, and injections. In this post, we will shed some light on why pharmacy is essential in our lives and the role of pharmacists in our daily lives.

Pharmacy’s History

Pharmacy dates back thousands of years. This skill was practised when the first individual extracted juice from a succulent leaf to put on a wound. According to Greek mythology, Asclepius, the god of medicine, was tasked to combine his cures with Hygieia. She was his chemist or apothecary. Egyptian physician-priests were divided into two groups: those who visited the sick and those who stayed in the temple and made medicines for the sick.

The art of healing recognized a distinction between the duties of the physician and those of the herbalist, who supplied the physician with the raw ingredients from which to produce medicines in ancient Greece and Rome, as well as during the Middle Ages in Europe. However, throughout the 8th century AD, the Arabian influence in Europe led to the separation of pharmacy and physician functions. A law passed by the municipal council of Bruges in 1683 encouraged the trend toward specialisation by prohibiting physicians from preparing drugs for their patients.

The pharmaceutical industry has witnessed a paradigm shift since World War 2, which has resulted in the use and discovery of robust pharmacological solutions. It also altered the pharmacist’s role. The possibility for impromptu compounding of medications was significantly reduced, as was the necessity for the manipulative abilities that the pharmacist had previously used to prepare bougies, cachets, tablets, plasters, and potions. On the other hand, the pharmacist continues to carry out the prescriber’s wishes by offering advice and information, preparing, storing, and dispensing appropriate dosage forms, and ensuring the efficacy and quality of the dispensed or provided medicinal product.

Why Is Pharmacy Important In Our Life?

Pharmacists are professionally skilled and trained individuals who prepare pharmaceuticals and other drugs connected to various disorders and distribute them. They’re the ones who know how to use medicines properly and can advise their patients on how to do so. A pharmacist, like a doctor, diagnoses an illness in a patient and makes medications for them to cure and cure their disease immediately. This describes the primary role of pharmacists in our daily life.

As a result, we may claim that pharmacy and pharmacy knowledge is just as significant as a doctor’s qualifications. Pharmacists are front-line workers who do not work behind the scenes. The fact that billions of drug stores and pharmacies in every country demonstrate why pharmacy is essential in our lives. Diseases strike the poor and innocent in third-world countries far more frequently than in Western countries. Therefore the role of pharmacists in our daily life in countries like India, Pakistan, Africa, and Afghanistan is growing.

As previously stated, pharmacy plays an essential part in the healthcare system. The purpose of pharmacy is to assist and maintain the healthcare system. Clinical services, medication safety, efficacy reviews, and drug information are all included. The significance of pharmacy can be further explained as follows:

  • Prescription Processing

Before administering the prescription, the pharmacist evaluates the legality, safety, and appropriateness of the prescription order and the patient’s medication record.

  • Patients’ Care

Another role of pharmacists in our daily life is to gather and integrate information regarding the patient’s drug history and explain the patient’s comprehension of the intended dosage regimen and manner of administration and advise the patient on drug-related risks.

  • Drug Usage Monitoring

The pharmacist can monitor drug utilisation, such as practice research studies and prescription analysis schemes to monitor adverse medication responses.

  • Medicine Preparation

One of the most significant roles of pharmacists in our daily lives is to prepare medicines in pharmacies worldwide. This allows them to tailor a medicine’s formulation to the demands of a particular patient.

  • Selling Conventional & Complementary Medications

Pharmacists in various countries sell standard medicines and fill homoeopathic prescriptions.

  • Responding To Minor Sickness Symptoms

The pharmacist receives requests for advice from public members on a variety of symptoms and refers them to a medical practitioner when necessary. The role of pharmacists in our daily life is essential.

  • Educating

The pharmacist can compile and maintain information on all medicines, especially those new to the market. They can educate the health care providers and patients about them.

  • Promotion Of Health

The pharmacist can participate in local and national health promotion campaigns on various health-related themes, including drug-related topics such as rational drug use, alcohol abuse, cigarette use, drug use during pregnancy, organic solvent misuse, and poison prevention.

  • Governance and leadership

One of the most significant roles of pharmacists in our daily lives is that they can participate in formulating public health policies by correlating disease prevalence and drug consumption. This allows for the establishment of successful health policies and the placement of disease prevention within a larger context. In addition, pharmacists assist in the planning and implementation of emergency response plans and protocols and resource mobilisation through the optimization of pharmaceutical use and distribution.


Finally, incorporating pharmacy into daily life can improve medication management, social protection, and overall health. To strengthen the practice, healthcare organisations should implement capacity-building programs for pharmacists. That stated, pharmacists must continually reassess and reposition themselves in primary health care to increase patient access to health care and the efficiency of health care delivery. To ensure accountability and capability, pharmacists should maintain their professional proficiency.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NTA Examination Preparation.

What is a pharmacist's most significant role?

Ans: Pharmacists are in charge of ensuring that the medicines provided to patients are appropriate. Advise patients ...Read full

What is the definition of pharmacy practice?

Ans. Pharmacy practice applies a pharmacist’s particular knowledge and skills to improve people’s health...Read full

What is the pharmaceutical practice principle?

Ans. Pharmaceutical care is the cornerstone of pharmacy practice.

Why should we go to the pharmacy for advice?

Ans. Pharmacists are medical professionals that can assist you with minor health issues. They can provide clinical a...Read full

Can pharmacists write prescriptions?

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