
Gravimetry refers to the definition of gravimetric analysis and other factors. Find out more about gravimetry in detail.

Pharmaceutical is a field that deals with experimenting and finding the solution to any disease outbreak. This field is continuously evolving and exploring various solutions and substances. One such important part of pharmaceuticals is gravimetric analysis. The definition of gravimetry analysis indicates the relation to mass by the mixed compounds. It deals with the mass of two compounds that are composed of an analyte.

The analytes are the ions included in the two compounds. The gravimetric analysis plays a very essential role in determining what would be the masses of two compounds based on the ions they consist of.

There are particular steps followed in the gravimetric analysis which must be adhered to. However, understanding gravimetry and gravimetric analysis are important too. In the below sections we will understand what gravimetry and the definition of gravimetric analysis is.

Further, there will be an explanation of the steps followed in gravimetric analysis. There will also be a better understanding through the examples of gravimetric analysis.

What Is Gravimetry and Gravimetric Analysis?

In a literal sense, gravimetry refers to the concept of weightage or masses. In a more specific understanding, gravimetry is the measurement of the analyte based on the substance’s mass.

In the pharmaceutical field, it is the measurement of analyte or (ions) on the basics of the compounds’ masses. This involvement of gravimetry in pharmaceuticals is simplified into a process known as gravimetric analysis.

The definition of gravimetric analysis is defined as a process that involves measuring the mass or amount of analytes (ions) in reference to the substance’s mass. The concentration of two compounds is measured through the process of gravimetric analysis.

The process is known as analysis because it is inclusive of chemical substances. The two compounds that are mixed are chemicals and are bound to give a new substance that includes combined mass.

The gravimetric analysis involves the understanding of the mass of the compounds or substances through the mass of analytes. These analytes are the ions. Ions are the molecules or atoms of a compound which carry an electrical charge with them.

There are four types of gravimetric analysis identified currently. These are precipitation, electroanalytical, volatilization and various physical methods. These are elucidated in detail in the below section.

Types of Gravimetric Analysis

There are four classifications of gravimetric analysis. These are explained in detail below.


In this gravimetric analysis process, a reagent is introduced to mix with the desired constituent. Once the constituent is combined with the reagent, it forms an insoluble compound. By the formation of this insoluble compound, the actual constituent does not precipitate.

The constituent is then filtered, washed or dried from every kind of soluble residue. The mass of the constituent that was not precipitated is then measured in terms of its mass.


In this method of gravimetric analysis, the mass of the analyte is studied based on the volts or the currents of electrochemical cells which consist of the analyte. This method enquires about the potential mass of the analyte by the measurement of the current flow and volts of the electrochemical cell.

The substance or the solid which is deposited on a single electrode, is measured and its mass is identified.


In this type of gravimetric analysis, the volatile are segregated through the processes of heating and decomposition. In this method, the mixture’s components are segregated by heating or decomposition which is chemical. It then separates the volatile compounds. These compounds are high in vapour pressure and low in water solubility.

The extraction of these volatile components results in a change of the substance mass in the final substance.

Other Physical Methods

In other physical methods of gravimetric analysis, the mass of the substances is weighed physically. This is done with various physical techniques used in substance attraction.

The solid substances can be physically removed from the residues or the solid that is suspended in the water could be measured. The extra water can be filtered through filter paper and the solid substances can be attained. Once they are attained, they could be weighed.

These are some of the types of methods inclusive of gravimetric analysis. These types commonly aim at measuring the mass of analytes and in turn measuring the mass of the solid substances.

Steps Followed in the Gravimetric Analysis

The gravimetric analysis pertains to particular steps and stages. The steps followed in the gravimetric analysis are as follow:

  • The first step in gravimetric analysis is to prepare the solution. This is done by having prior knowledge about the known weight in the sample. This also requires balancing the pH levels of the solutions. It also includes removing disturbing agents, managing the volume and adding agents, in terms of precipitation

  • The second step is the precipitation step. The reagent is added to the solution for the precipitation to occur. This is required for the next step of the gravimetric analysis to occur

  • The last step in the gravimetric analysis is the relative supersaturation. In this step, the concentration and the solubility of the solution after precipitation is measured

These are the steps followed in the gravimetric analysis. These steps proceed from separating the solid to weighing its mass.


In the above information, there is a complete discussion on what gravimetry is. There is also the definition of gravimetric analysis provided and understood in depth. Further, there is also a complete elaboration on the four types of gravimetric analysis, recognised commonly. 

These are precipitation, electroanalytical, volatilization and other miscellaneous methods. Lastly, there is an elucidation of the steps followed in the gravimetric analysis. The steps in the gravimetric analysis proceed from removing the residues and measuring the final solid’s mass or weight.


Frequently asked questions

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What is gravimetry?

Ans. In a literal sense, gravimetry refers to the concept of weightage or masses. In a more specific understanding, ...Read full

What are the steps considered in the gravimetric analysis?

Ans. The steps followed in the gravimetric analysis are: The first step is the gravimetric analysis preparation of the solution. This ...Read full

What are the four classifications of gravimetric analysis?

Ans. The four classifications of gravimetric analysis are: ...Read full

What are examples of gravimetric analysis?

Ans. Examples of gravimetric analysis include volatilization of water and carbon dioxide, isolation of sodium hydrogen bicarbonate, etc.