Calculation of Factors

Argentometric titration helps check the level of absorption of the substance.

Argentometric titration helps check the level of absorption of the substance. Like other titrations, this is another type of titration that has its general functions. The argentometric titration method is developed under the different types of titrations by arranging the deposit formations.

Understanding Argentometric Titration

The argentometric titration is particularly used to find out the precipitation reactions. The name itself gives a clue like the “Argentum,” a Latin word that means silver. The precipitation titration always uses the silver (Ag) in its methods. Also, sometimes it is used to designate the silver as a halide compound.

The different procedures of the Argentometric Titration

There are mainly two different methods of the argentometric titration, which are given below:

  1. Fajans method
  2. Mohr’s method
  3. Volhard method

Fajans method

Kazimierz Fajans was the first person who introduced argentometric titration. The indicator used here in this method is Dichlorofluorescein. This works as an indicator that helps change the colour to get the information about the grade. After the process achieves its endpoint, the green suspension changes its colour to pink.

Normally there are high chloride ions before the completion of the titration process. After that, the chloride ion will get absorbed into the silver chloride surface. So, this will affect the indicator of the colour after it gets absorbed.

Mohr’s Method

Another is Mohr’s method, and after the name Karl Friedrich Mohr, this method was introduced. In this Mohr’s method of titration, all the indicators are different from Fajan’s method of titration. In this method, the indicator is potassium chromate. After the reactions of all the chloride ions, the red silver chromate will be produced.

Usually, Mohr’s method does not check carbonate and phosphate levels as both will settle down with the silver. The obtained result will also not be clear. Only to check the chlorine content, this method is used. Calcium and iron can be checked easily by using this method.

Volhard Method

After the name Jacob Volhard, this method of titration was introduced. This is the only method that can be used finally. Here in this method of titration, a high amount of silver nitrate is added to the analyte. After that, the silver chloride gets filtered so that the leftover silver nitrate can be easily titrated against the solution. To check the substance content this usually has been done.

The Volhard method usually uses ferrous ammonium sulphate for the indicators. Once the titration process is finished, there will be a change in the colour of the indicator to blood red. Other indicators can also be used as an alternative in this method, such as ferric salt solution. 

All the titration methods that are already discussed need many tools like another titration process. The material will always be an indicator or reagent substance, a titrant itself. After that, as per the requirement, the tools get adjusted. Therefore, all the laboratory tools are the tools that are used in the titration methods, and everybody is familiar with them already. The right material and the right tool are required to get an accurate result.

Evaluation of Precipitation Titrimetry

There are different scales for all methods like the scale of accuracy, precision, time and operations, and cost of methods also. These scales are similar to those which are earlier described in the titrimetric methods. The method of precipitation titration can also be extended for analysing the mixtures as there are always significant differences in the precipitates solubilities.

In the given picture, the example of the titration curve is there for the mixture of l- and CL – using the Ag+ as a titrant.


So, at last, it can be concluded that argentometric titration helps check the level of absorption of the substance. Like other titrations, this is another type of titration that has its general functions. Also, there are different methods used according to the material and requirement.

The main three types of methods usually used in the laboratories are- Fajans Mohr, Volhard methods, and Mohr’s method.

In Fajan’s method, Dichlorofluorescein is used as an indicator in this method. It works as an indicator that helps change the colour to get the information about the grade. After the process achieves its endpoint, the green suspension changes its colour to pink.

In Mohr’s method, the indicator is potassium chromate. After the reactions of all the chloride ions, the red silver chromate will be produced.

The last one is the Volhard method, in which a high amount of silver nitrate is added to the analyte. After that, the silver chloride gets filtered so that the leftover silver nitrate can be easily titrated against the solution. This is done to check the substance content. The Volhard method usually uses ferrous ammonium sulphate for the indicators. 


Frequently asked questions

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What do you mean by the precipitation titrimetry?

Ans. This is a type of titration where the formation of the precipitate happens during the titration technique. In t...Read full

What do you understand about argentometric titration and why it is known as precipitation titration?

Ans. In an argentometric titration, there is the use of silver ions. Silver is denoted by the Latin word Argentum. S...Read full

What do you mean by the argentometric method and mention the indicator used in this method?

Ans. The titration with the silver nitrate is known as the argentometric titra...Read full

Which chemical is used in argentometric titration?

Ans: Silver nitrate is known to be the maximum used chemical and it is also a very important precipitating reagent. ...Read full