NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Pharmaceutical Analysis » Biosynthesis of Nitric Oxide

Biosynthesis of Nitric Oxide

Biosynthesis of Nitric Oxide, where nitric oxide should be used in a balanced amount and is also related to the chemical industry. Let us talk about it in depth.

Nitric oxide is a chemical that your body produces naturally and is essential for many areas of your health. Its primary action is vasodilation, which means it relaxes the inner muscles of blood arteries, enabling them to expand and boost circulation. Nitric oxide production is critical for general health because it permits blood, nutrients, and oxygen to move properly and efficiently to all parts of the body.

In fact, a decreased ability to create nitric oxide has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction. Fortunately, there are several methods for maintaining adequate nitric oxide levels in your body. Despite the fact that it is a poisonous gas in large quantities, nitric oxide is a key signalling molecule in mammals. 

Natural Ways to Increase Nitric Oxide

Consume Nitrate-Rich Vegetables

One of the numerous reasons veggies are beneficial is nitrate, a chemical present in many plants.

Nitrate-rich vegetables include celery, cress, lettuce, beetroot, and spinach.

Nitrates are transformed into nitric oxide when these foods are ingested, which imparts a variety of health advantages relating to heart health and exercise performance.

Several studies have found that consuming nitrate-rich vegetables can decrease blood pressure as effectively as some blood pressure drugs.

Strong evidence supports the use of nitrates, particularly those derived from beetroot, to improve exercise performance in athletes.

Regardless of the impact nitrates have on nitric oxide synthesis in your body, some individuals avoid them out of worry that they are hazardous and contribute to cancer.

Increase Your Antioxidant Consumption

  • Because nitric oxide is an unstable chemical that degrades fast in circulation, it must be supplied on a regular basis.

  • Consuming antioxidants is one strategy to boost its stability and inhibit its breakdown.

  • Antioxidants are chemicals that neutralise free radicals, which contribute to nitric oxide’s short life.

Limit the amount of mouthwash you use

  • Mouthwash kills germs in your mouth that can lead to the formation of cavities and other dental disorders.

  • Unfortunately, mouthwash destroys all bacteria, including the helpful ones that aid in the production of nitric oxide.

  • Certain bacteria in the mouth produce nitric oxide. In fact, without these bacteria, humans cannot create nitric oxide from nitrate.

  • This results in a reduction in nitric oxide production and, in certain cases, a rise in blood pressure.

  • The negative effects of mouthwash on nitric oxide synthesis may potentially lead to the development of diabetes, which is characterised by insulin production or action defects.

Exercise will get your blood flowing

  • Exercise truly gets your blood moving, owing to the fact that it enhances endothelial function.

  • The thin layer of cells that lines the blood arteries is referred to as endothelium. These cells generate nitric oxide, which helps to maintain blood arteries healthy.

  • Endothelial dysfunction is caused by insufficient nitric oxide synthesis, which can lead to atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and other risk factors for heart disease.

  • Exercise promotes the health of your endothelial cells and blood vessels by enhancing your body’s natural ability to create nitric oxide.

  • Several studies have demonstrated that regular physical exercise enhances endothelial vasodilation in both those with high blood pressure and cardiac disease and in healthy people.

Synthesis of Nitric Oxide

This relaxation causes blood vessel walls to dilate or expand, increasing blood flow through the vessels and decreasing blood pressure. Because of its involvement in dilating blood arteries, nitric oxide is a key blood pressure regulator. Nitric oxide produced by macrophages destroys bacteria, parasites, and tumour cells by disrupting their metabolism.

Overview of Biosynthesis of Nitric Oxide

Nitric oxide is produced by a group of enzymes known as nitric oxide synthases. These enzymes convert arginine to citrulline while generating NO. Co-factors like oxygen and NADPH are required. However, in other situations, they can boost NO synthesis irrespective of calcium levels in response to stimuli like shear stress.

Biosynthesis of Nitric Oxide

Increases in cellular calcium cause a rise in calmodulin levels, and increased calmodulin binding to eNOS and nNOS causes a transient increase in NO generation by these enzymes. In contrast, iNOS may bind strongly to calmodulin even at very low calcium concentrations in the cell.

As a result, changes in calcium levels in the cell have no effect on iNOS activity. As a result, NO synthesis by iNOS lasts significantly longer than that of the other NOS isoforms and produces much larger quantities of NO in the cell.

However, the synthesis of NO by iNOS may be regulated by transcription. iNOS protein levels are either very low or undetectable in the majority of cell types. However, activation of these cells with cytokines or growth factors, for example, might result in enhanced transcription of the iNOS gene and subsequent NO generation.


The discovery that mammalian cells can produce nitric oxide coincided with the recognition of this simple gas as a role in cellular communication. Nitric oxide has now been demonstrated to be produced by macrophages, endothelial cells, and perhaps other cell types from l-arginine. Its physiological role in macrophages might be cytotoxic. However, it is considered that nitric oxide generated by endothelial cells causes vascular smooth muscle relaxation by activating the enzyme guanylate cyclase.


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How is nitric oxide produced?

Ans. Nitric oxide is produced by a group of enzymes known as nitric oxide synthases. These enzymes convert arginine ...Read full

Where does nitric oxide synthesis take place?

Ans. Nitric oxide (NO), a unique sort of transmitter in the nervous system, is generated from the amino acid l-argin...Read full

Is nitric oxide generated from L-arginine?

Ans. NO synthase (NOS) generates nitric oxide (NO) from arginine, and the availability of arginine is one of the rat...Read full

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Ans. Nitric oxide (NO), produced by the enzyme NO synthase (NOS), has an important role in the cardiovascular system...Read full

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Ans. Nitric oxide causes blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood flow and decreasing blood pressure. Conversely, i...Read full