Allopathic Dosage Form

Capsules, tablets, pills, granules, inserts and lozenges are some allopathic dosage forms. In this article, we are going to study in detail these various forms of allopathic dosage prescribed and administered to patients.

An allopathic dosage form is a medicine preparation by pharmaceutical companies, administered to the patient.

The Allopathic Dosage Forms can be Made in the Following Forms:

  • Capsules
  • Tablets
  • Pills
  • Granules
  • Inserts
  • Lozenges


  • These are a solid form drug dosage
  • Soluble containers are required for their storage
  • These can also be stored by firm coating

Types of Capsules

Soft-shelled: These are capsules administered in one piece i.e., they are used to deliver a drug in solid form or suspension form. Soft-shelled capsules can be prepared with liquid. 

Hard-shelled: These are capsules administered in two pieces i.e., two telescoping caps.

Drugs can be released in various modified forms and are categorized into delayed-release and extended-release capsules. 

Delayed-release capsules are formulated with granules coatings. Granules coatings are helpful to protect the gastric environment from acid liable drug substances. They also protect against irritations and other adverse effects that can be caused by the human body. They are helpful in the reduction of bioavailability variations. Shell provides contents with a long life which is a limitation over tablets as their contents can be easily degraded. 

Extended-release capsules have extended life to be ingested by the patient. 

Gelatin is used for shell preparation. 

Hypromellose can be used for shell preparation. 

Capsule route of administration in oral.


  • Solid dosage forms of drugs
  • They have a composition of agglomerations which are small particles
  • Their route of administration is oral
  • They regime drug doses in a flexible manner
  • Granules can be blended with different drugs by compound pharmacists
  • Examples include preparations of potassium supplementations, antibiotics, products extracted from senna, etc

Preparation of Granules

Granules can be prepared in the form of tablets or capsules. The preparation includes blending of drug substances with the processing aids i.e., excipients, after this they are blended with a pharmaceutical solution for binding and dried in varied sizes. 

  • Granules are not stable in the aqueous environment
  • They cannot be exposed when coming in contact with water
  • They can be manufactured, stored, and distributed easily in a suspension form
  • Sodium and Potassium are used for their formulations


  • Inserts are suppositories
  • Inserts are designed for the vagina, urethra, ears, etc

Preparation of Inserts

Inserts can be molded in different forms like square, oval, or round. Just like tableting, they are compressed from powders. Inserts are designed in such a way that they can melt at room temperature or can disintegrate upon the insertion. 

Lozenges are designed in such a way that dissolution and disintegration take place easily and slowly in the mouth. Their preparation includes one or more than one form of the drug with a sweet and flavored base. They show their action very frequently after administration. These include antibiotics, analgesics, antiseptics, antitussives, and decongestants. They are prepared in circular forms. 

Tablets are the most common forms of drug dosage used worldwide. Caplets are tablets possessing a capsule shape. Tablets can be coated or can be coated less. 

Buccal tablets are tablets that are absorbed through the oral mucosa and can be inserted into the buccal pouch. 

Chewable tablets are tablets that can be broken down into pieces. 

Effervescent tablets are tablets that release carbon dioxide gas when it comes in contact with water. They contain sodium bicarbonate or tartaric acid. 

Hypodermic tablets, the route of administration of these tablets is oral or sublingual. They are prepared from those ingredients which are readily soluble in water. 


  • Small
  • Spherical in shape
  • The route of administration is oral

Advantages of Pills

  • Simple to ingest
  • Easy to administer
  • Can be molded in any shape

Suppositories are inserted into the rectum, vagina, urethra, ear, etc.

Poultices are paste-like preparations used on external body parts. 

Advantages of Solid Dosage Forms

  • Highly precise
  • Less variable
  • Stable
  • Can be easily administered
  • The formulation methodology is simple and easy
  • They act strongly after their onset
  • Doses availability is based on the requirements of patients
  • Easy to pack
  • Easy to store and transport
  • They possess stable chemical, physical and microbiological properties
  • Flavors and sweeteners are used to avoid the unpleasant taste
  • They can be manufactured in different shapes and colors

Disadvantages of Solid Dosage Forms

  • They take time to get swallowed
  • Sometimes they cause gastric irritation
  • Production costs are high because of the coating and encapsulation of tablets and capsules

Properties of Allopathic Dosage Forms

  • Affordable 
  • Flexible
  • Elegant
  • Can withstand with s=mechanical stocks during transportation

Classification of the allopathic dosage forms is done based on:

  • Physical state
  • Route of drug administration
  • Site of action and application
  • Uses (internal and external)

Drug release is affected by ageing and it is common with those drugs which are shellac coated.

 Allopathic dosage forms are also called unit doses. 

Risk of Allopathic Dosage

  • Harmful reactions can happen
  • Can cause allergic reactions
  • They can cause unexpected results when consumed without the doctor’s permission
  • Allopathic medicines are also known as modern, mainstream, or western medicines


We hope this article helped you understand the different forms of allopathic dosage, their preparation and characteristics. We have also covered the risks or side effects of allopathic dosage. To reap the benefits of allopathic medicines, we must have them only when prescribed by a doctor and administered in the right doses.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NTA Examination Preparation.

Mention two bulk dosage forms.

Ans. Two bulk dosage forms are powder and dusting powder.

What are transferases?

Ans. Transferosomes are vehicles of phospholipids.

How can you define dosage form?

Ans. The dosage form can be defined as the medicines that contain pharmaceutical ingredients.

Mention a few properties of excipients.

Ans. The concentration of polymer and lipid.  ...Read full

Mention any three emulsifying agents.

Ans. The three emulsifying agents include surfactants, solids that are finely divided, and hydrophilic colloids. ...Read full