NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Logical Reasoning » Things You Need to Know About Verbal Logic

Things You Need to Know About Verbal Logic

Verbal logic questions are short puzzle questions that include a minor numerical element. Verbal logic and logical reasoning test a person's ability to think logically.

The verbal logic and logical reasoning are a part of the data interpretation and logical reasoning section. It describes how well one can analyse written information and extract its meaning. Generally, the format of logical reasoning is a short passage, followed by true, false, and cannot say questions. They are created to determine the ability of an individual to understand what they’ve read, think logically, and then come to a conclusion. Verbal reasoning is one of the forms of psychometric tests that require logical thinking in an application process. Read the article to understand the concept and significance of verbal logic in logical reasoning. 

Key Concepts in Verbal Logic 

Verbal logic and logical reasoning are all about acquiring and testing the verbal skills and knowledge of the subject. Questions related to the verbal logic test the candidate’s aptitude and command of vocabulary skills and English grammar. Some important chapters of verbal logic are classification, analogy, blood relation, coding, decoding, Venn diagrams, direction, calendar, clocks, output, input, etc. 

Types of Verbal Reasoning 

Following are the types of verbal reasoning questions a candidate faces in competitive examinations – 

Alphabet Test

The alphabet test of verbal logic and logical reasoning is based on searching the place of an English letter to the right or left of another English letter in a sequence. Sometimes the reasoning questions are based on searching the number of English letters among two different letters. 

Blood Relation 

The blood relation reasoning questions consist of an analysis of information for determining the blood relationship among the family members. In such a question, a relationship is given in an informational form, and the applicants are asked to find the relation between two members based on the information. 


In the calendar verbal reasoning question, candidates have to find the day for a particular date when reference day is not given, when reference day is given, and search for a weekday based on other weekdays. 

Data Sufficiency 

The data sufficiency in logical reasoning is to determine and test the given information set if it is sufficient to answer the given question or not. Such questions are created to check a candidate’s ability to relate given information to form a conclusion. 

Decision Making 

The decision-making questions are the actions of making important decisions for candidate selection. This section gives the admission criteria, which the candidate has to fulfil to be selected for a job. 

Puzzle Reasoning 

Questions related to puzzle reasoning ask the candidate to analyse data and arrange them in a sequence to mark the answer. It requires the candidate to analyse a piece of information, pick the relevant information, and skip the irrelevant information. 

Seating Arrangement 

It is the process of making the candidates sit in a fixed position. These questions include a certain set of conditions and are based on information. Information on the order of people around the circle or row is given to candidates, from which they have to arrange people in a square, circle, or row. 

Tips to Prepare for Verbal Logic Test 

Following are the tips to prepare for the verbal logic questions-

Re-Read each Piece of Text

The verbal reasoning test passages are often complex and include convoluted language at times. It will help if you read the passage twice to understand what’s being said. Also, read the instructions carefully so that you don’t miss any important information. 

Don’t Make Assumptions

Do not use your real-life experiences for any statement. You should also trust the information presented to you instead of making assumptions. If something is excluded from the text, think wisely while answering the questions. 

Manage Your Time

Take a note of how long the test will last and the number of questions you will have to answer within the time limit. Calculate the time you can give for each answer and then continue with it. The rule of thumb says that you should only spend one minute on a question. Try to stick to it. However, do not make the wrong choices, as accuracy is more critical than speed. 

Sharpen Your Analytical Skills

Hone your ability to analyse any information and then point out the key things. This can be done by reading business articles that help you pick up the argument and understand how the article’s author supports it. 

Work on Your English 

The verbal logic and logical reasoning tests will help be easier for you if you improve your English. Many people ask,  Is verbal logic important in logical reasoning? The answer is yes, as it tests your analytical and logical thinking. Hence the way verbal logic is essential to determine your logical thinking; improving English is as important. Until you read newspapers, articles, or any magazine, you will face difficulty solving them. Practice reading daily. 


Practice is what makes a candidate stand out from all others. It allows you to learn from your mistakes, increases confidence, and helps you answer the question quickly. 


Now that you have understood how verbal logic and logical reasoning are linked, practice such questions daily to grasp them. Verbal logic tests an applicant’s analytical and logical skills; it is very important to understand its key concepts, chapters, and subjects and then begin the preparation to score high in the competitive examinations. 


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