NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Logical Reasoning » Statements and Arguments-Related Problems

Statements and Arguments-Related Problems

In this article, we will see some sample questions on statements and arguments-related problems and how to easily solve such problems.

In this article we will go through various ways and tricks to solve statement and argument related problems. Firstly let us understand what is an argument. An argument is a sentence where a statement or many statements are put up, with a view or opinion about something in favour or against a particular thing. This concept would be clearer when we look at how to solve statement and argument-related problems and see some sample questions on statement and argument-related problems. Based on this statement and argument-related questions, several types of questions are asked in the competitive exams.

What is statement and argument reasoning?

To simplify the definition of argument, we can say that it is an opinion or a point of view on a certain topic which is supported by evidence. For These kinds of questions, the student must understand or check the forcefulness of the specified argument. The candidate needs to check if the argument is a weak argument or a strong argument. In a more understandable definition, an argument is a single statement or compilation of statements, phrases, or sentences with a conclusion or claim.

Apart from this an argument also has assumptions which are the hidden premises in the argument. Multiple kinds of questions are covered under the statement and argument reasoning section, like the time sequence test and position test. A lot of questions related to this topic can be asked in the competitive exams.

Types of statements and arguments

We now know what would come under the statement and argument reasoning and understand the kind of questions. Now let us understand the types of questions that can come under this section.

1. Weak argument- in these kinds of questions, the argument given to the candidates would be very weak or preposterous. There are three types of weak arguments, they are mentioned below:

  • Ambitious argument- in this kind of argument it is not clear in the question how the given argument is related to them and what the author wants to convey exactly. Therefore these kinds of arguments become weak arguments.

  • Superfluous arguments- in this type of question the arguments are surplus and do not make a detailed analysis of it, hence the arguments are weak in nature.

  • Question back argument- this type of argument consists of a question given back by the arguer. Therefore the nature of the argument becomes weak.

2. Strong arguments- in this kind of statement and argument reasoning, the arguments which will be given to the candidate will be strong in nature and would have some facts in them, and these kinds of arguments are called strong arguments. These arguments are of three types which are mentioned below-

  • Facts are established- for this kind of argument when the argument is given, it has some established facts behind it and is always true therefore the nature of the argument becomes strong.

  • Experience anticipates the result- in this kind of argument, it is known that the argument is for sure true because of past experiences. Here assumption or projection made the nature of the argument strong.

  • Universally accepted truth- in this kind of argument, the argument is generally accepted or universally accepted to be true. This makes the nature of the argument strong.

Tips and tricks on how to easily solve statement and argument-related problems

These tips and tricks can help the candidate identify the argument and easily solve statement and argument-related problems.

  1. At first just go through the question and at first only do a screening of the question before solving the statement and argument related problem.

  2. Check if the argument is not absurd in the case of a strong argument.

  3. An argument can be rejected if it is cryptic, i.e., open to more than one interpretation and does not have an obvious meaning.

  4. You have to choose a strong argument which satisfies the statement.

Sample questions on statement and argument related problems

Question 1

Statement- Should the government have assisted the victims of triple talaq?

Argument- No, since they are capable of dealing with their own issues.

Solution – This argument is weak since they are not entirely self-sufficient, which is not an ideal scenario for anyone.

Question 2

Statement- Should there be a ban on non-vegetarian food in India?

Argument- Yes, it is costly and beyond reaches for the majority of people in our country.

Solution- This reasoning is plausible since non-vegetarian food is expensive and hence out of reach for the majority of people in our country. However, a restriction on non-vegetarian food is not desirable only for this reason. So this is a weak argument.

Question 3

Statement- Should teachers be allowed to train misbehaving children?

Argument- No, this will educate kids that physical violence is a socially acceptable form of expression.

Solution- the argument is strong because it is mentioned in the argument that it will teach them that being physically violent is acceptable in society.


Therefore in this article we learned the definition of statement and argument reasoning and understood how to identify and what are the types of statement and argument related problems. The sample questions on statement and argument related problems helped to clear the concept of how to identify the type and nature of the argument. We also saw the types of strong and weak arguments which made the identification and concept of the strong and weak arguments clear. The tips and tricks given to solve the statement and argument-related problem will help the candidate consume time and easily identify the argument.


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