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Series Based Questions In The Logical Reasoning Section

While going through the reasoning section of an exam, candidates may wonder what series in logical reasoning is? A series is a sequential arrangement of numbers or characters that adheres to a predefined pattern. Aspirants are required to either discover a missing term or the incorrect term in the sequence. The key concepts in series include arrangements in an ascending or descending order, addition or subtraction of a number to progress the series, and multiplication or division by a number, including squares and cubes. The best way to learn about series is through examples of series-based questions in the logical reasoning section.

Series Based Questions In The Logical Reasoning Section

The typical sections of a competitive examination include a quantitative component, logical thinking section, arithmetic reasoning section, verbal and grammar section, and passage reading section. If you tackle the logical reasoning component calmly and clearly, it is a simple segment to master. A competitive exam’s logical reasoning questions also include number series problems. These appear as simple questions, yet they can be challenging when various series are combined. Every question in a competitive test is crucial, thus knowing how to solve number series problems for competitive exams is essential. Let’s have a look at several approaches to such questions.

Solving Series Based Questions

The most straightforward strategy to number series problems for competitive tests is to examine and appreciate the variations between the various terms. Here are some approaches and strategies for solving series problems:

  • If you detect a consistent difference between the different numbers, it signifies that the question falls into the category of series with a consistent grade of increase or decrease.
  • If you observe that the difference between the many numbers is rising or declining, the question relates to either the series with a growing difference or the series with a declining difference.
  • If you can’t find a rising or decreasing difference between the numbers, try dividing the second term of the series by the first, the second term by the third, and so on. If the output to the steady division is the same, this question relates to the product series.
  • If none of the preceding methods work, you may try writing each item of the question as it relates to the multiplication of two factors and look for a pattern among the terms. If you can’t find a pattern and the difference between the terms is falling or growing at a rapid rate, consider the square/cube series.
  • If the difference between the values decreases or increases in a predictable manner, this question may relate to the series of multiple methods.

Examples On Series Based Questions In The Logical Reasoning Section

A number series is a regular sequence of numbers that follow a trend. In this topic, we deal with questions in which a sequence of numbers (usually referred to as the series terms) is supplied. All through the series, the figures follow a consistent pattern. Let us consider some examples of series based questions in the logical reasoning section and how to solve them:

  1. Q. Consider the following series to determine the next term in the series

2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, __

  1. To find the next term in the given series, we first examine the series terms. We compare each term with its successive and previous terms to determine their relationship. Here, we find that there is a difference of 3 units between each term and the next term. Thus, following this pattern, we add 3 to the last given number, so 17 + 3 = 20. The last term of the given series would be 20.
  2. Q. Find the next term in the given series: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, __
  1. The given series 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, __ is first checked for addition or subtraction series. It is clear that the difference between each term with the next one is progressive and does not follow a single term addition or subtraction pattern. So, we check for multiplication series. We find that each term is multiplied by 2 or doubles to get the next term. Thus, the given series is completed by multiplying the end term by 2, so 64 x 2 = 128.

The series becomes 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

  1. Q. What will be the end term of the series: 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127,__
  1. The last term of the series can be found by determining the relation between the given terms. We see that, when we multiply 1 with 2 and add 1, we get 3, which is the next term. Next, we multiply 3 with 2 and add 1 to get 7, and so on. Thus, to find the last term, we follow the same pattern of doubling the term and adding 1 to it.

Multiplying 127 by 2 and then adding 1, we get the last term as 255.


Series problems are crucial for competitive examinations. There are sets of numbers or characters in this sort of question. There is a void to fill in relation to the series of numbers. You are tasked with determining the solution to the blank by determining the pattern between the numbers, their predecessors, and their successors. Although it may appear to be easy, determining the reasoning underlying the pattern might get tricky. The best way to solve series questions is to determine the relationship between the terms of the series by examining them carefully. Once we find the basis of the series, we can easily find the missing term as asked.


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