NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Logical Reasoning » Pie Graphs and How They are Used in Logical Reasoning

Pie Graphs and How They are Used in Logical Reasoning

Pie graphs are a popular way to display data as they are visually attractive and easy to understand. These graphs are used to represent data that is classified into nominal or ordinal categories. The advantage of using a pie graph is that it can give you a quick visual representation of how different parts relate to the whole. We will also examine how pie graphs are used in logical reasoning questions.

What is a Pie Graph?

A pie graph is a type of graph that is used to display data in a circular format. These graphs are divided into sections, or slices, which display the percentage of the total data that each category represents. Pie graphs are typically used to illustrate how different parts of a whole compare to each other and can be used to compare data from different categories of a certain thing. 

Understanding Pie Graphs and How to Create Them

  • Appropriate data: The data used should be appropriate for this type of visualisation. Pie graphs are ideal for classifying data that comes under discrete categories such as gender, income bracket, or product type.
  • Labels: Clear labels and captions must be used to make pie graphs easy to interpret. The audience should be able to understand what the graph is showing without having to read a lot of text.
  • Colours: It is important to use colours and other visual elements to make the graph easier to read and more visually appealing.
  • Minimum slices: The number of slices should be limited to no more than five or six. If there are too many categories, the graph will be difficult to interpret.

Benefits of Using a Pie Graph

There are several reasons that pie graphs are widely used. The main advantages of using a pie graph are listed below:

  • A pie graph is a good medium to visualise data that can be difficult to read or understand when it is in a tabular format.
  • A pie graph can help you see the relationship between different data sets more easily.
  • A pie graph can make complex data more visually appealing and easier to understand.
  • Pie graphs can be a useful tool to compare data sets and understand trends.
  • A pie graph can be used to represent data in a variety of ways, including percentages, parts of a whole, or proportions.
  • Pie graphs can be customised to show different levels of detail, depending on your needs.

Disadvantages of Using a Pie Graph

While pie graphs are popular in terms of interpreting data, there are a few downsides to using these graphs. Some problems that can be encountered while interpreting pie graphs include:

  • If there are a lot of small slices, a pie graph can sometimes be difficult to interpret.
  • If the size of each slice on a pie graph is relative to the other slices, it can be tricky to compare values.
  • A pie graph does not show exact values. It only displays relative proportions.
  • If the slices are not of equal sizes, a pie graph can be misleading.

How Pie Graphs are Used in Logical Reasoning?

In logical reasoning, a pie graph can be a helpful tool in understanding the relationship between different concepts or ideas. By representing information visually, a pie graph can make it easier to see how different parts of a whole interact with one another. Additionally, a well-designed pie graph can highlight patterns and trends that might not be immediately apparent in a tabular representation of a data set.

A few things should be kept in mind when creating a pie graph for solving logical reasoning questions:

  • Accurate data: The most important element of a pie chart is the data that it represents. The user must ensure the data is accurate and relevant.
  • Well-designed chart: When creating a pie chart, design plays a significant role. A well-designed chart will be easy to understand and interpret. 
  • Clear labelling: Labelling of the chart is essential so viewers know what they are looking at.

Reading Pie Graphs in Logical Reasoning

General tips for interpreting

  • To understand a pie graph, the overall size of the pie should be checked first. This will give the reader a clear idea of the relative sizes of the different sections.
  • Each section should be checked and compared with each other to identify the difference between their sizes.
  • Consider the labels on the sections. This can give you valuable information about what each section represents.

Tips for interpreting pie graph questions

Graphs are often used in logical reasoning questions to provide a visual representation of the information provided in the question. This is how one should interpret pie graphs and answer the related pie graph questions:

  • Pay attention to the labels on the axes of the graph, as this will indicate what the units of measurement are.
  • The overall trend of the graph should be considered to understand the question.
  • The candidate should look out for any unusual features or outliers on the graph, as these may be crucial when answering the question.
  • The candidate should use the information given in the question to determine which part of the graph is relevant to the answer.
  • The graph should be carefully read multiple times in the context of the question to avoid misinterpretation.


Pie graphs are extremely useful in logical reasoning as they visually represent data in a manner that is easy to understand. Understanding pie graphs is important to correctly answer pie graph questions. By following the tips to interpret pie graph questions, students will be able to correctly interpret the data represented in the pie graph and answer the corresponding questions.  


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