NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Logical Reasoning » How to Solve Input & Output Related Questions for Logical Reasoning

How to Solve Input & Output Related Questions for Logical Reasoning

A sequence is provided either in the form of a sentence or as a series of numbers. This is known as INPUTS. Following this INPUT are a series of steps. Throughout these processes, the input is organized in various ways. You, as the candidate, must identify the paths or patterns in the supplied arrangement and then calculate the intended output step, based on the questions posed. The patterns are mainly shifting and double shifting on which input-output questions are based. Today, in this article, we will discuss some exam-preparation suggestions and Input-Output-related questions to help applicants prepare for their exams. Therefore, stay tuned.


This is the most frequent pattern, upon which the majority of queries are built. A certain number or phrase is moved from its initial location to its end, which is typically the end. This shifting may be dependent on a variety of criteria, such as ascending order, descending order, vowel/consonant in words, odd/even in numbers, the number of letters in the given word, etc.

Double Shifting

This pattern is identical to the shifting pattern, with the exception that shifting occurs at both ends of the input. This shifting may occur concurrently in the same phase or successive steps.

Reasoning Questions on Input-Output

  • In Government examinations, the question consists of an Input, followed by the procedures necessary to produce an Output, and finally the completed Output.
  • Before answering the questions, you must comprehend their underlying logic. It is essential that you first comprehend the concept before beginning to answer the questions so that you do not become stuck in the middle.
  • Prepare by reviewing the input-output reasoning questions that have been answered below. Solving these will aid with comprehension, hence decreasing the likelihood of error.


The illustration of input and arranging processes is shown below.

Input: 567 873 751 239 912 262 492 712 183 376

1st step: 567 378 157 239 129 226 249 127 138 367

2nd step: 29 17 02 15 07 10 14 05 05 15

3rd step: 21 97 01 25 01 70 10 45 01 55

4th step: 03 16 01 07 01 07 01 09 01 10

5th step: 5 4 4 5 1

6th step: 1 4 4 5 5

And the 6th step is the concluding step of the rearrangement since the intended arrangement has been obtained.


  • Several stages are outlined to obtain the final result in the 6th step. 
  • The digits of each number are collected in ascending order, beginning with the 1st step. 
  • 567 is already arranged in ascending order. 
  • The second number 873 is sometimes rewritten as 378.

Here is how to solve

  1. In the 2nd step, the middle digit is removed from the product of the number’s initial and final digits. For instance: (5 x7)-6=29; 5×7=35; 35-6=29. In the same way, in 378, (3×8)-7= 17.
  2. Considering the pair from the left side, the initial digits of the pair are utilized to form the number, in the 3rd step. Say in the pair 29 and 17, the first digits of 29 and 17 are 2 and 1, respectively. 
  3. When we combine these two digits, we get the first number which is produced in the 3rd step, which is 21. 
  4. When we combine the 2nd digits of the same pair, we get the second number in the sequence, 97. The third and fourth digits obtained from the pairs 02 and 15 are 01 and 25.

The 4th step involves the addition of a number’s digits. 2+1 Equals 3, 9+7 = 16, etc.

  1. In Step V, you begin by forming pairs of the numbers, add the digits of each pair from left to right, and then divide by 2. For instance: 03 and 16; adding the numbers yields 10, (0+3+1+6); divide this number by 2. Thus, 10/2 equals 5.

Similarly, in 01 and 08, 0+1+0+7 equals 8 and 8/2 equals 4. 

  1. All of the numbers are reorganized in ascending order in the final step. Therefore, the ultimate result is 1, 4, 4, 5, and 5.

Techniques for Solving Input-Output Reasoning Questions:

Here are some techniques to help you solve input-output problems on reasoning more quickly and save time on the final exam: 

  • The initial and most crucial step is to thoroughly read the question and analyze the phases on which the Output focuses. After a comprehensive examination of the stages, you will be able to determine the pattern employed to generate the outcome.
  • You would be able to recognize the pattern by examining simply Steps 1 and 2 
  • Since the time required to solve the input could be longer, utilizing a tabular form to solve the query would significantly complicate the solution.
  • If you are trying to solve those questions verbally, you may overlook certain phrases and actions, which could lead to inaccurate responses.
  • If you’ve identified the question’s pattern, try applying it to the given input to solve it.
  • This topic will improve your exam performance. Understand the types of questions that are asked on this issue, and you will be prepared.
  • More practicing will ensure you have grasped the concept fully.

The most important aspect of solving these questions is to understand each step and work accordingly.


Here we have discussed the different steps to solve the input and output questions. We have briefly understood the shifting and double-shifting patterns. While solving the problem, we have also segregated the different stages of a problem to arrive at a specific solution. Lastly, we have learned a few tips and tricks for solving input-output problems where the fundamentals lie in understanding every stage of the problem.


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