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How to Solve Inequality Related Problems

Here, you will get a brief introduction to solving inequality-related problems in Logical Reasoning, Inequality Reasoning Solved Examples and other related topics.

When you sit for government examinations in the country, Questions about inequality and coded inequality are mostly asked in all public examinations. Hence, a greater understanding of the concept is crucial. With the considerable rise in competition, the difficulty level of questions has increased marginally. Hence, certain tips and tricks to find answers faster are always a good choice. 

Before exposing our tips and tricks, here is a quick definition of reasoning inequality. Reasoning inequality can be described as when a series of elements are provided with several coded relationships written as <, >, = ≤ or ≥; such questions come in this category. 

Reasoning Inequality – Symbol & Inference



X > Y

X is greater than Y

X < Y 

X is less than Y

X = Y

X is neither equal nor greater than to Y

X ≤ Y

X is equal or smaller than Y

X ≥ Y

X is equal or greater to Y

What is Inequality in Reasoning?

Reasoning inequalities can be defined as an expression that consists of inequality signs including <, >, =, and so on. 

To better understand the concept behind mathematical equalities, candidates should possess a greater understanding of all signs used in mathematics while solving problems. Further inequalities are divided into three major parts, including – 

  • Basic inequalities 
  • Either or case 
  • Coded-inequalities

Signs used to denote Inequality


If a ≠ b, then

≠ denotes not equal to, that is, a is not equal to b

If a ≤ b, then

‘≤’ denotes less than or equal to, that is, a is less than b or at most b

If a ≥ b, then

‘>’ denotes greater than or equal to, that is, a is greater than b or at least b

Strict Inequalities

If a <b, then

‘<’ denotes less than, that is, a is less than b

If a > b, then

‘>’ denotes greater than, that is, a is greater than b

Tips and tricks to Solve Reasoning Inequality 

There are various Tips and Tricks to Solve Questions on Inequality. Here they are – 

  • Aspirants should consider symbols using a trick for finding the answers quickly. The priority to solve the problems should be set based upon the relations used and their seniority. 
  • Before attempting any inequality-related question, be prepared with all mathematical signs along with their representation. Once you have a clear idea of it, you will be able to find the correct answer. 
  • While attempting the question for coded inequality, make sure you draw a diagram or a rough graph that mentions what all codes represent. It will prevent any wastage of time. 

Types of Reasoning Inequality 

Here is the detailed information about the types of inequalities – 

  • Basic inequalities 

In basic inequalities, expressions that consist of a quick comparison between all elements will be provided. And the relationship between the two will be asked about. 

  • Either or case 

In either or case type of inequality, it is impossible to determine the definite relationship between any two elements. Here, only two relations will be mentioned. Out of these two, either 1 or 2 can be right. 

  • Coded-inequalities 

Coded inequalities are the third type of inequalities where codes are assigned to the inequality symbols. Also, the expressions are given using these codes. Candidates are supposed to decode the given symbols and hunt the relationship between all given elements. 

Properties of Inequalities 



If a ≥ b, then a + c ≥ b + c

If a ≤ b, then a + c ≤ b + c


If a ≥ b, then a – c ≥ b – c

If a ≤ b, then a – c ≤ b – c


If a ≥ b, then ac ≥ bc, where c>0

If a ≤ b, then ac ≤ bc, where c>0


If a ≥ b, then a/c ≥ b/c, where c>0

If a ≤ b, then a/c ≤ b/c, where c>0


If a ≥ b and b ≥ c then, a ≥ c

If a ≤ b and b ≤ c then, a ≤ c



If a ≥ b, then -a ≤ -b, if a>0, b>0

If a ≤ b, then -a ≥ -b, if a>0, b>0


If a ≥ b, then 1/a ≤ 1/b, if a>0, b>0

If a ≤ b, then 1/a ≥ 1/b, if a>0, b>0


We come to the end of the topic, How to Solve Inequality Related Problems in Logical Reasoning. Reasoning inequality is when a series of elements are provided with several coded relationships written as <, >, = ≤ or ≥. Such questions come in this category. Further, reasoning inequalities are divided into three major parts: coded inequalities, either, and basic inequalities. 

To solve all types of Inequality Related Problems, there are several Tips and Tricks to Solve Questions on Inequality which we discussed here today. Coded inequalities are the third type of inequalities, where codes are assigned to the inequality symbols. Also, the expressions are given using these codes. Candidates are supposed to decode the given symbols and hunt the relationship between all given elements. We hope it has helped you better understand how to Solve Inequality Related Problems in Logical Reasoning. 


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