NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Logical Reasoning » How to Solve Decision Making Related Problems

How to Solve Decision Making Related Problems

Decision-making is a significant aspect of logical reasoning questions. There are some easy methods to solve decision making related problems discussed here.

The logical reasoning component of a test comprises subjects that measure applicants’ rational and analytic abilities. Coding-decoding, puzzle series, decision making, and input-output problems are among the questions asked in the logical reasoning section. Decision-making is a topic that is intended to assess the candidate’s capacity to make the correct option while taking into account all of the available characteristics and aspects of a situation. There are some easy methods to solve decision making related problems and help solve these questions quickly. A question may comprise one condition as the primary condition or many criteria as subsidiary decision-making conditions. Continue reading for a collection of example questions to prepare for the decision-making part.

Decision Making

  • Decision-making is a technique that produces an outcome after analysing the facts presented. A set of rules is defined as a selection criterion. In order to make a choice, two conditions must be met: the primary condition and the supplemental condition.
  • A paragraph of data is presented in other types of questions, and the questions must be appropriately responded to solve mathematical questions, data interpretation or logical reasoning sets are employed.
  • Because these kinds of questions take time to answer, candidates should only attempt those they are certain they can answer properly in the allotted time.
  • The behavioural and managerial questions are centred on scenarios that put the candidate’s interpretive abilities to the test.
  • The applicant must choose the best possible response. The majority of the issues concern ethics and management. As a result, candidates should hone their interpretive and critical thinking skills.

Types of Decision Making

Applicants must evaluate and study the provided information in the decision-making questions before answering the question. Now that we understand what the topics in the decision-making reasoning part consist of, let us look at the many sorts of questions that one may encounter. There are two sorts of questions that may be posed as part of the decision-making process:

  • Direct Questions: A condition may be stated in these questions, and the ultimate choice must be made depending on it.
  • Complex Problems: A set of qualifying requirements is provided in such questions. Applicants must examine the eligibility information provided and respond to what candidates can meet the criteria for an exam or a position based on it.

The types of questions asked in the complex category of logical reasoning section include:

  • Eligibility Exam

A list of requirements and qualities required to be satisfied by the applicant for a specific vacancy in a job/promotion/admission in a college, combined with the biodata of certain individuals who have applied for the same, will be provided in this sort of decision-making. Candidates must examine and ascertain a candidate’s eligibility and choose the best line of action from the available options.

  • Making Decisions Based on Passages

In this sort of Decision Making, a candidate is provided with an article or a series of statements, accompanied by several questions, and is needed to thoroughly study the data and determine which choice emerges from the facts.

Easy Methods to Solve Decision Making Related Problems

Decision making is a high-scoring component of the tests that requires little preparation. Decision-making is the process of determining a final decision by examining and analysing the available evidence. The goal of “decision making” is to achieve a specific conclusion based on facts or a set of requirements.

A common question has a statement followed by two or more assumptions, and we must respond with which assertion comes next.

When solving, keep the following in mind:

  • Set aside your theory about how things function.
  • Although sensible assertions can be made, do not throw in your own ideas about topics in the question.
  • The author acknowledges the premise of the questions.

When dealing with assumption questions, the Neglecting Method is one of the easy methods to solve decision making related problems. It is a tried and tested strategy that can aid in scoring. After reading them, all you have to do is disregard the assumptions. The paragraph in which the author makes a remark only after making some assumptions implies certain fundamental assumptions in which the author strongly believes. And if an assumption contradicts the author’s fundamental viewpoint, then that assumption cannot be followed.


The action or approach of making key decisions for selecting a candidate is known as decision making. This section will contain assessment criteria for every position or enrollment that a candidate must fulfil to be chosen for a certain job or post.

A paragraph of information is presented in other types of inquiries, and the questions must be adequately replied to. The decision-making reasoning questions are designed to examine a candidate’s ability to make decisions. Making decisions is an essential part of our daily lives. The ability to make decisions is necessary to select the best choice and make an educated decision.


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