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Direction Sense Test in Logical Reasoning

This article discusses direction sense tests and what makes them unique? It will also detail their applications.

Direction is an essential undertaking for navigation. The capability to apprehend directions is frequently disregarded as an undertaking that does not require true analytical and logical capabilities. But in reality, it is only with true analytical and logical capabilities that you can make sense of directions. It calls for one to have more profound expertise to create intellectual maps and visualise the direction that one is pre-claimed to comply with.

Direction Sense Test forms an essential part of any analytical or logical aptitude test, given that it is able to supply a great concept of how properly one can apprehend abstract information and create an intellectual map out of it.

What is Direction?

Direction is what offers meaning to positions. It is the outline of the location of 1 point with respect to the location of some other point. The direction of a point does not include the distance of the points from each other.

Directions can’t make sense on their own. Rather, a direction can best be spoken approximately with respect to a reference factor or a body of reference agreed upon among the communicator and the listener. 

Directions may be separated into the four most important categories, referred to as the Cardinal directions. These are the primary directions that function as the body of reference for all essential navigational usages. The four directions are North, South, West and East. The North direction is given with regards to the North pole; that is, any frame moving near the North pole is stated to be moving North.

The direction contrary to the North pole is referred to as the south. The rising of the sun serves as the reference factor for the remainder of the two directions. If the body is moving closer to the factor from which the sun is supposed to rise, the body is stated to be moving towards the east direction, and if the body is moving closer to the factor in which the sun is supposed to set, it is stated to be moving towards the west direction.

What is a Direction Sense Test?

We have understood the truth that the information of directions is a completely essential skill. Hence, it forms an essential part of any logical and aptitude test. Direction sense tests are a venture into the analytical capabilities of the candidate. It is designed to discover if the candidate can apprehend the given state of affairs to them, examine the special directions and hint the direction.

Direction sense tests can contain numerous actual lifestyles and theoretical examples. However, all questions try to apprehend how effortlessly a candidate can accumulate sufficient information while a situation is given to them.

The candidate is anticipated to be able to guess the direction observed with the aid of using her or him while given a situation and then be capable of discovering the direction which they want to answer.

There are four primary recommendations on every occasion a test taker encounters a direction test. The first and the best component for a test taker is to discover where precisely they are at this point; this is their current position.

Then they want to discover the direction they’re moving in. Without that, it is not possible to continue with the other processes. Next, they should discover how much distance they want to cover to attain the given frame.

Direction Sense tests may also grow to be tricky while there are questions which can be requested from applicants concerning the shadows of a frame while it is positioned in a given direction.

There are numerous assumptions which can be made while a direction sense test is given. These assumptions are implicit, and except a special assumption is explicitly mentioned, applicants are anticipated to comply with those assumptions best.

Different types of Questions

A direction seems simple to guess, but there can be various manners in which a question related to a direction can be asked. The question can be either a left or right dilemma or can describe a direction with a reference point, or can be to find out what happens to a map when the directions get twisted etc.

It is the ability to understand these questions that holds the key to answering these questions. The two important types of direction sense tests logically are;

  1. Board Games

Board games like chess, ludo, and checker are the most common direction sense test that you might face. Let us understand what kind of questions these are with an example; 

A bishop is supposed to capture a horse in its path that is situated on its opposite side. Does the bishop make two sideways moves to get to the horse, then which direction is the bishop facing?

The top of the board is assumed to be in the North direction. The bishop has to move towards the east first and then towards the west to get to the horse. But the bishop moves in a slanting manner. Hence, it will be facing the North West direction.

  1. Wrong map

In such a question, a twist is added to the frame of reference, and examinees have to find the similarities between the new and the previous frame of reference. For example, a signboard pointing towards the four directions is fixed on a pole.

A strong gust of wind rotates the pole 90 degrees clockwise. A man has to go south, arrives at the pole and follows it to the south. In what direction has the man actually gone?

Since the pole shifts by 90 degrees clockwise, the North now points towards the East, the East towards the South, the South towards the West and the West towards the North. Hence, the man has gone West and not South.


Direction sense tests can help us understand how good we are with directions. A person will not be able to navigate properly without directions. A direction sense test allows a candidate to be judged on their logical and analytical skills in understanding directions from abstract instructions and mental maps.

Direction sense test questions are usually designed to ensure that candidates can visualise the instructions and then come up with an answer.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NTA Examination Preparation.

What direction is the top of the chessboard?

The top of the chessboard is in the North direction.

What are the other directions besides the cardinal directions?

The other directions are North West, North East, South West and South East.

What is a wrong map question?

A question in which the frame of reference of the directions is changed, and candidates have to compare the new and ...Read full

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