Data Structures

Data structure deals with the organisation of data with a major focus on its elements. The key concepts in data structures include arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues.

A data structure is a method of organising data that takes into account, not just the elements stored but also their relationships to one another. Advanced understanding of the link between data elements enables the construction of effective data manipulation algorithms. Data structures are the foundation of every programme or software. The most complicated challenge for a programmer is selecting a suitable data structure for a project. Data Structures are widely utilised in practically every element of computer science, including operating systems, compiler design, artificial intelligence, graphics, and many more applications.

Data Structures

The definition of data structure related to logical reasoning is that it is a collection of data pieces that offers an effective method of collecting and managing data in a computer so that it may be used conveniently. Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, and other Data Structures are a few examples.  Data structures are essential components of many computer science methods because they allow programmers to manage data efficiently. It is critical to improve the performance of a software or programme since the software’s primary job is to save and retrieve the user’s data as quickly as possible.

Types Of Data Structures

Data structures are broadly divided into two types:

Linear Data Structure: A data structure is said to be linear if all of its elements are ordered sequentially. The items of linear data structures are kept in a non-hierarchical manner, with each item having successors and predecessors apart from the first and final elements.

Non-Linear Data Structure: A non-linear data structure is one in which every item or component is linked to two or more similar items in a non-linear pattern. The data pieces are not organised in consecutive order.

Key Concepts In Data Structures

To fully understand data structures, it is important to know the key concepts in data structure. Here are some of the common logic in data structure:

  • Data: Data may be described as an essential value or a set of values; e.g., the information on a student is the student’s identity and address.

  • Group Items: Group items are information items that include subsidiary data items, such as a student’s blood group with other medical information.

  • Record: A record is a collection of numerous data objects. For example, if we discuss the student, their identity, residence, class, and marks may be gathered collectively to create the student’s record.

  • Entity and Attribute: An entity symbolises a class of things. It has several characteristics. Each attribute reflects a specific property of the object.

  • Field: A field is a unique fundamental unit of information representing an entity’s attribute.

  • Linked list: A linked list is a linear data structure used to keep a list in memory. It is a collection of nodes stored in non-contiguous memory regions. Each node in the list has a reference to the node next to it.

  • Stack: A stack is a linear list where insertions and deletions are only permitted at one end, known as the top. A stack is an abstract data type that may be implemented in almost any computer language. It’s called a stack because it behaves like a real-world stack, such as a pile of dishes or a deck of cards.

  • Queue: A queue is a linear list in which entries may only be added at one end, called the rear and removed at the other end, called the front.

Requirement Of Data Structure:

As applications become more complex and the amount of data increases, the following issues may arise:

  • Processor speed: High-speed processing is essential to manage huge amounts of data. However, as data grows to billions of files for each entity, processors may fail to handle such massive data.

  • Searching for data: Consider a store with an inventory of 200 goods. If our programme has to search for a specific item, it must traverse 200 things every time, which slows down the search process.

  • Multiple requests: When millions of users look for data on a web server simultaneously, there is a possibility that a big server will crash during the operation.

Benefits Of Data Structure:

Here are some advantages of data structures:

  • Efficiency: The efficiency of a programme is determined by the data structures used. For example, assume we have certain data and need to search for a specific record. Under such circumstances, if we structure our data in an array, we must search element by element. As a result, utilising an array may be inefficient. Superior data structures can speed up the search process, such as ordered arrays, binary search trees, and hash tables.

  • Reusability: Data structures are reusable, which means that after we’ve implemented one, we can use it elsewhere. Data structure implementations can be built into libraries that various clients can utilise.

  • Abstraction: The ADT specifies the data structure, which offers a degree of abstraction. The client software merely interacts with the data structure through an interface, avoiding implementation specifics.


The data structure is a method for organising and manipulating data. It also characterises their connection with one another. Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, and other Data Structures are a few examples and common logic in data structure. Data structures are essential components of many computer science techniques because they allow programmers to manage data efficiently. Data structures are used to tackle the difficulties such as processor speed, an effective search of data, and multiple requests. Data is grouped to construct a structure so that not all things must be searched and that necessary data may be searched faster.


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What is data structure?

Answer: The definition of data structure related to logical reasoning is that it is a collection of data components that offers an excellent method...Read full

What is traversing?

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What are the different types of data structures?

Answer: The types of data structures include linked lists, arrays, stacks, and queues. These are the key concepts in data structures.

What is sorting?

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