Critical Reasoning

This article includes the significant concepts in critical reasoning, the definition of critical reasoning, and a list of important critical reasoning questions.

The NTA’s Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (RC) sections include RC passages with critical reasoning questions. Candidates may benefit from using NTA Critical Reasoning Questions to prepare for their RC sections. Applicants to the NTA are evaluated on their analytical and reflexive abilities in response to a set of facts. Due to the difficulty of the Critical Reasoning questions at NTA, applicants must be well-versed in their solution methods and have enough practice with actual problems. Candidates may get a sense of the CAT’s critical thinking questions and responses by reading the following excerpts, which contain answers to the question of what are the significant concepts in Critical Reasoning.

What are the significant concepts in Critical Reasoning?

What are the significant concepts in Critical Reasoning should be the first question one should ask. Listed below are some points to strengthen your base.

Justification to support one’s beliefs

Deductive reasoning employs logical reasoning and empirical data to support a given hypothesis or theory. In deductive reasoning, observations and logical thoughts support or refute an original assumption. Deductive reasoning may prove or disprove an induction or apply a general rule to a particular situation. A conclusion may nearly always be deduced from the premises of a deductive argument.

Logic-based reasoning

The purpose of inductive reasoning is to explain away evidence using concepts and assumptions. In comparison, deductive reasoning is concerned with determining a general rule from a single example. Inductive reasoning’s outcomes aren’t always guaranteed since it relies on observations to conclude. Extrapolations, forecasts, and part-to-total arguments are only a few examples of inductive reasoning.

Inference-based reasoning

Two or more items may be compared using analogical reasoning to uncover new qualities they share by comparing similarities. Thanks to the brain’s fondness for pattern recognition, it works. Our brains are more prone to think similarly when we perceive a pattern. Analogous thinking may assist you in learning more by allowing you to make connections across diverse subjects of study.

Abductive reasoning

Abductive reasoning is deducing a conclusion from a single observation or data set. Abductive reasoning allows for accurate calculations and unambiguous conclusions. Abduction may aid decision-making and problem-solving, mainly when there are a lot of uncertainties. When the observer has no prior information, abductive reasoning comes in handy. However, further evidence is likely required to back up the abductive reasoning findings.

Critical thinking is a valuable skill to possess

The definition of Critical Reasoning necessitates a comprehensive analysis of the situation to reach a logical conclusion. Vital thinking is critical in the face of technological problems. This approach may assess creative works like books, films, and art. When dealing with mental health concerns, emotional disorders, and other grey areas, it’s crucial to be able to think critically and answer what the significant concepts in Critical Reasoning are.

Dissection analysis

By dismantling a system into its component pieces and using decompositional thinking, one may better understand it. In addition, decompositional thinking may yield critical insights about the entire system by examining each component separately. This approach is used in various sectors, including product development, video game development, and software development.

Decompositional logic is used to break down project components. Each component is allocated to a single person of staff who will finish it and explain how it will fit into the broader project. Segmentation is necessary for all components to work at their best.


The capacity to appraise a situation logically based on new or existing facts is referred to as reasoning. While weighing the benefits and drawbacks of two or more options, you may use logic to help you pick the best solution for your circumstance. When making decisions, you should use this tool since it can help you solve difficulties, deal with ambiguity, check statements, and thoroughly investigate the scenario. A list of important Critical Reasoning questions is answered on this topic. You do, however, have the option of categorising your ideas into different groups. Understanding the various styles of reasoning may help you evaluate and improve your decision-making process. So, it is essential to have proper knowledge of the significant concepts in Critical Reasoning.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NTA Examination Preparation.

What are the significant concepts in Critical Reasoning?

Ans. This thinker can systematically analyse, examine, and evaluate ideas or points of view. Dogma ...Read full

What sets critical writing different from other types of writing?

Ans. An argument that is backed up by solid evidence and well-thought-out logic. We’re lookin...Read full

Do you believe it's possible to be critical while being reasonable?

Ans. In contrast, formal logic is primarily concerned with arguments’ structure and logical s...Read full

Is there a distinction between critical thinking and analysis?

Ans. “Obtaining, analysing, and applying data and facts” is referred to as “analy...Read full

What's the difference between critical and analytical thinking?

Ans. A logical conclusion may be reached by analytical thoughts and the application of evidence. In...Read full