NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Business and General Awareness » Why Performance Appraisals have to be Data-Driven Instead of Being Subjective

Why Performance Appraisals have to be Data-Driven Instead of Being Subjective

Companies use performance appraisal to provide employees wide feedback about their work and support the decision about compensation increases, incentives, and decisions on termination. A performance appraisal assesses an employee’s abilities, accomplishments, and progress, or lack of the same.  

This may be done during any time span, although they’re most typically done once a year, twice a year, or once every three months. 

What Is employee performance appraisal?

Human resource departments commonly use performance evaluations to help employees develop their careers. They provide evaluations of job performances to individuals. Performance appraisal ensures that staff is in charge of meeting the goals set for them and offers guidance on meeting those objectives if they come up short.

Since firms have limited financial resources for paying incentives like increases and bonuses, performance assessments assist in determining how the funds should be allocated. They let companies assess which employees have contributed most to the company’s success, allowing them to reward the organisation’s top performers appropriately.

What Is The Importance Of Employee Performance Appraisal?

Performance evaluations are essential for the advancement of both the firm and the person. It helps the company determine if the person is productive. It helps the person choose a professional path. 

A performance evaluation meeting is a stage where individuals are acknowledged for their excellent work, and it is critical to acknowledge an employee’s efforts. Even if the worker has not performed well, it is critical to demonstrate that the company cares about its performance and development.

The management and the staff frequently fail to communicate, especially when the person is new to the organisation. Most of the time, the supervisor or manager is too preoccupied to pay attention to recruits. Performance assessments will aid in breaking the ice, which is beneficial to both the supervisor and the employee because greater communication leads to increased production.

Performance evaluation systems have been criticised for their lack of fairness and accuracy. It has implicated the need for appraisal systems to be modern and has raised questions like why they should be data-centric. 

Why Must Performance Appraisals Be Data-Driven?

In many organisations, performance appraisals are designed in algorithmic patterns. It is generally data-driven and embedded through Artificial Intelligence. The AI embedded software helps to reduce biases as it will measure both relative and absolute performances. 

Reasons for which Performance Appraisals should Be Data-Driven are listed below:

  • The data helps to derive actual metrics and parameters, which are compiled with subjective feedback. 

  • When data-driven performance reviews are used instead of subjective preferences and preconceptions, managers and HR professionals may confidently assert that a fair and data-driven methodology was used.

  • Whenever the whole appraisal system is data-driven, the fundamental metrics ensure that organisations can endure lawsuits and other legal cases brought by discontented and dissatisfied employees.

  • Organisations can rightly claim that there was no bias or stereotyping against employees based on gender, caste, or other factors. 

Why Must Performance Appraisals Be Conducted With Care And Caution? 

Compensation and performance appraisal with bias can inhibit highly competent people from achieving their goals while also prohibiting firms from fully leveraging their skills. As a result, every HR department must prioritise identifying and eliminating prejudice in performance appraisal. 

Furthermore, when the whole appraisal procedure is data-driven, the underlying metrics ensure that organisations can endure lawsuits and other legal cases decided to bring by disgruntled and dissatisfied employees.

Simple tips to eliminate appraisal biases are:

  • Create a clear evaluation framework: Bias is often the result of a lack of rules for the appraisal process. Rather than allowing the evaluation to their discretion, build a clear evaluation framework for all managers to implement and instruct them on how to use it to tackle this problem.

  • Determine clear objectives: Managers can minimise experiencing bias by asking staff what their objectives are ahead of time, enabling them to track their progress over time.

  • Look for common ground: Managers can prevent similarity bias by attempting to identify areas of agreement with each individual.

  • Consider performance indicators: Track performance with analytics, so you may compare data to a performance assessment if necessary. You can use analytics to evaluate personnel objectively.

  • Obtain feedback from a variety of sources: Obtain feedback from a variety of people that work with a worker, including direct reports, colleagues, and others.

  • Ask intelligent questions: Reconsider your assessment questions as well. Managers could be asked to describe the strengths of an individual in a given area.

Take these actions to decrease bias in your review process, and you’ll see a significant improvement. 


Compensation and performance appraisal is the most awaited events for employees as they receive monetary and non-monetary benefits on the basis of their performances. Many of the employees are not satisfied with performance management and appraisal systems as they think it is biased. It also becomes a hassle for HR and managers as documents are searched and evaluated, which might leave an opportunity for mistakes. The data-driven approach is transparent, accurate and efficient as it considers both relative and absolute performance measures.


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