Methods Of Training Employees

In this article, we will study training and development, the importance of training, various methods of training, and more.

Employee training and development is the most important part of the staffing procedure. Training is the process of boosting the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees to do a specific job. It helps employees perform better at a particular job. It also helps employees learn the skills required for a higher job position. On the other hand, development is the procedure of the complete and inclusive growth of employees. It helps employees uncover their hidden qualities and prepare for more challenging roles. Development shapes the attitude of the employees. 

Importance of training

1.Orderly learning

Training is an organised learning process that boosts the skills of employees to help them make optimum use of the resources and increase productivity in terms of quantity as well as quality. 

2.Boost career growth and prepare future managers

Training helps prepare employees for higher job positions that may be challenging and prepare them to deal with emergencies. It boosts the careers of employees by providing them with the knowledge to enhance their skills.

3.Boost the morale of employees

It reduces absenteeism and employee turnover, helps ensure job satisfaction and increases the morale of employees. 

4.Better response to technological and economic advancements

It helps employees keep up with technological and economic advancements. 

5.Better remuneration

Training helps employees get better remuneration by improving their performance and increasing productivity.

6.Fewer accidents

As training increases the skills of employees, they become more fluent in their work, which results in a decrease in accidents and an increase in their efficiency. 

Methods of training

The methods of training an employee can be broadly classified into two parts. They are- 

  • On-the-job training methods

On-the-job training methods refer to the methods used when employees are at the workplace and are still working. It follows the ‘learning while doing approach. Examples of on-the-job training methods include orientation training, apprenticeship training, and internship training.

1.Orientation training

  • It is also known as induction training. In this approach, help is provided to new employees, so they can settle down quickly into the job by becoming familiar with the process and the people involved with the job. 
  • Duration- It can be as short as a few hours or go on for a few days. 
  • Purpose- It provides new employees with an opportunity to socialise and become familiar with the company’s strategy and performance structure.
  • Suitable for Industrial workers who work with technically advanced machines. 
  • Tools used- It uses films and lectures and involves taking tours of the organisation.  

2.Apprenticeship training 

  • Under this, trainees, also known as apprentices, work under the immediate guidance of a professional expert.
  • Duration- It lasts for two to five years with additional training for slow learners. 
  • Purpose- To provide a higher level of skills. 
  • Suitability- It is suitable for skilled trades such as plumbers, electricians, etc. 
  • Remuneration provided- Apprentices are paid nominal stipends. 

3.Internship training

  • Under this, professional and educational institutions make an arrangement with big business enterprises to provide their students with practical training. 
  • The candidates who are selected continue their studies along with the training. 
  • Off-The-Job training methods

Off-the-job training methods refer to the methods used when employees are away from their workplace and not doing their job. It follows the ‘learning before doing’ approach. Examples of off-the-job training methods include vestibule training and instructor-led training.

1.Vestibule training 

Under this method, training is provided in a classroom where a situation similar to actual work is created, and a dummy model is used. It does not create a disturbance in the workplace, and full attention can be provided to the trainees. It is suitable for jobs where expensive and dangerous equipment is used. 

2.Instructor-led training

Under this method, an individual or a group of instructors provide training to trainees through lectures and seminars.

Difference between on-the-job training and off-the-job training

  • Meaning

  1. On-the-job training methods refer to the methods used when employees are in the workplace and are still working.
  2. Off-the-job training methods refer to the methods used when employees are away from their workplace and not doing their job.
  • Approach used

  1. It follows the ‘learning while doing approach.
  2. It follows the ‘learning before doing’ approach.
  • Place of training

  1. The workplace is the place of training.
  2. The place of training is away from the workplace.
  • Suitable for

  1. Technical jobs
  2. Managerial jobs
  • Trainers

  1. Experienced workers and qualified instructors train the employees.
  2. Academicians, professionals, and technicians train the employees. 
  • Examples

  1. Orientation training and apprenticeship training
  2. Vestibule training and lectures

Difference between training, development and education

  • Meaning

  1. Training is the process of boosting the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees to do a specific job.
  2. Development is the process of the complete and inclusive growth of an employee. 
  3. Education helps in increasing the knowledge and understanding of the employees.
  • Purpose

  1. To help the employee do his job better
  2. Inclusive growth.
  3. To provide knowledge and understanding
  • Type of process

  1. Job-oriented
  2. Career-oriented
  3. Knowledge-oriented
  • Scope

  1. It is part of development. Thus, the learning scope is narrow.
  2. It has a broad learning scope.
  3. Its scope is broader than training but narrower than development. 
  • Helps in

  1. Completing the objectives of the organisation
  2. Completing the objectives of the organisation as well as the individual
  3. Completing the goals of an individual


Employee training and development is the most important part of the staffing procedure. There are two methods of training employees: On-the-job and Off-the-job training methods. On-the-job training methods include orientation training, apprenticeship training, and internship training. Off-the-job training methods include vestibule training and instructor-led training.


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Name the two methods of training.

Ans. There are two methods of training employees: On-the-job and Off-the-job t...Read full

Explain Instructor-led training.

Ans. Under this method, an individual or a group of instructors provide training through lectures and seminars....Read full

What is apprenticeship training?

Ans. Under this method, trainees, also known as apprentices, work under the im...Read full

What is the purpose of development?

Ans. The purpose of development is inclusive growth.