Key Notes On Core Competencies

Core competencies are those that define products, services, skills, and capabilities that give a company an edge over its competitors.

Core competencies are the resources and capabilities that constitute a company’s strategic advantage. Modern management theory holds that, in order to succeed in competition, an enterprise must define, cultivate and exert its core competitiveness. Unlike principles that have emerged in recent years, it advises job seekers to focus on their core personal skills to stand out. These positive qualities can be developed and listed on a resume. Some basic personal skills include analytical skills, creative thinking, and problem-solving.

Meaning of Core Competencies

Core competencies are the decisive capabilities or advantages that a company can possess to differentiate itself from the competition. Core competencies are the foundation upon which a company’s competitive advantage is built, and it guides brand reputation, business growth, and marketing strategies.

3 Key Characteristics of Core Competencies

The following are the three main requirements that a business activity must meet in order to be considered a core competency:

  • It must provide superior value (such as benefits) to customers or consumers.
  • It should provide potential access to various markets.
  • It shouldn’t be easy to copy or imitate. 

Take the example of Honda to illustrate the concept. Honda’s core competencies in engines and powertrains allow the company to provide superior benefits to customers. These capabilities give Honda a competitive advantage in the automotive, motorcycle, lawn-mower, and generator industries. Currently, no other company is at par with Honda’s unique and powerful capabilities.

Sources of Core Competencies

Contributions to the company’s core competitiveness can come from:

  • People
  • Capital
  • Brand Equity
  • Assets
  • Intellectual property

For long-term growth and success, organisations must develop and nurture all of these elements. It must continually invest resources to develop and maintain skills that contribute to its core competencies. It must identify and isolate the best capabilities that provide a competitive advantage—as Southwest Airlines has done with operating costs—and then develop them into advantages across the organisation.

In addition, the company’s growth strategy should focus on developing these skills and strengths in a way that is unique to its competitors and provides added value to customers with service excellence and fun work culture.

To focus resources on core competencies and strengthen their competitive position, companies may outsource or abandon areas outside their core expertise. This rationalisation was at the heart of the 1980s, and it is still relevant today.

SWOT Analysis for Internal and External Analysis

SWOT is an acronym used to describe certain strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that factor into a particular business strategy. The SWOT should represent an organisation’s core competencies while identifying opportunities that are currently unavailable due to a lack of resources.

The SWOT analysis framework is widely recognised for its simplicity and power in formulating strategies. As with any planning tool, a SWOT analysis is only as good as the information contained within it. Research and accurate data are crucial in identifying critical issues in an organisational environment.

Example Of Core Competencies

Here are three top examples of companies that have achieved continued success by focusing on their core competencies:

  • McDonald’s
  • Apple
  • Walmart

The ability to standardise food service and delivery operations are McDonald’s strongest core capability. McDonald’s offers the same taste and appearance, regardless of location or point of sale, taking into consideration local preferences and exceptions. Customers trust the brand because they always know what they’re getting when they order a Big Mac or Chicken McNuggets. McDonald’s success is still driven by this conviction.

Apple, with its iPhone, iMac, and iPad, has a unique capacity to design and manufacture electronic gadgets that fulfil the aesthetic and physical needs of consumers. Each device has a pleasing visual aesthetic and tactile appeal, which has helped Apple become the most valuable corporation in the world with its present market value.

Walmart has purchasing power unmatched by even its closest competitors. The company’s extensive supply chain activities enable it to purchase things in bulk at low prices, and then attract and retain more customers with lower pricing than competitors.

In all areas of business, including advertising and management services, marketing and human resource management, sponsorship, and strategic management, every organisation should endeavour to maximise its core strengths. The company will continue to expand and flourish in the long run because of this holistic strategy. To retain and grow its competitiveness and unique position in the market, it must also develop numerous competencies.


Core competencies help organisations differentiate their products from competitors and reduce costs compared to competitors, thereby gaining a competitive advantage. It helps create customer value. In addition, basic skills help create and develop new goods and services. Core competencies determine the future of an organisation. These determine the character and structure of global competition organisations. Fundamental skills make way for innovation. New technologies can be developed by using basic skills. They ensure quality products and services to their customers.


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How do you analyse core competitiveness?

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What is the core competitiveness of an organisation?

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What are the key strategic management skills?

Ans:  Core competencies are the resources and capabilities that constitute a company’s strategic advan...Read full

What are the company's advantages and core competitiveness?

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