Jim Corbett National Park

Jim Corbett National Park in Uttarakhand is the country's oldest national park, founded in 1936 to protect the endangered Bengal tiger.

Jim Corbett National Park is appropriately dubbed “Tiger Paradise” since it is home to many tigers among its stunning landscapes rich in flora and wildlife. The ‘Jim Corbett National Park,’ named after the famed tiger hunter converted naturalist Jim Corbett (1875-1955), was the first national park in India, founded in 1936 in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand in North India. It is one of India’s most well-known wildlife sites. Many wildlife lovers flock there to see the majestic Indian tigers.

This is India’s first national park, having been established in 1936. It is named after Jim Corbett, a prominent naturalist and environmentalist. The splendid Jim Corbett National Park, located near the eminent hill station of Nainital District, Ramnagar, Uttarakhand, is renowned for being family to the most significant number of tigers of any Indian national park, and its elevation ranges from 1,300 to 4,000 ft. The park is extended throughout the exquisite escapades of Nainital and covers 1318.54 square kilometres, of which 520 square kilometres is the primary region, and the remainder is buffer. A safari into the deep forest to witness wild creatures in their natural environment is necessary. And, if you are fortunate, you could even get to see a tiger. Enjoy the lovely green forest vistas while on the jeep safari, which are cut by streams, rivers, and a few waterfalls. There are also overnight lodgings available inside the park, providing you with a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Details About Jim Corbett National Park

It has an area of 520 square kilometres and is made up of hills, severe marshy depression, riverine belts, meadows, and a huge lake. It is one of the few tiger sanctuaries in India that permits accommodation in the park. The park’s nature and animal viewing are done in an open four-wheeler Jeep and on the elephants’ backs. 

The national park, which is home to tigers and otters and the unique fish-eating crocodile, is one of the most popular places for wildlife enthusiasts. The most famous location in Dhikala is located on the outskirts of the vast Patil Dun valley.

The entire park area is divided into five tourism zones where tourists can go for wildlife spotting:

Dhikala – The Dhikala zone, located on the outskirts of the Patli Dun valley, is the biggest territory of the Corbett National Park and is home to a diverse range of flora and animals. This zone’s terrain, which comprises huge pastures known as Chaurs, deep Sal tree forest, and different Ramganga River channels, provides a beautiful picture of nature. The scenic vista of the large valley with the Kanda ridge in the backdrop is quite breathtaking. It is the favourite choice for wildlife enthusiasts for a night’s stay since it is believed to be the finest zone for tiger sightings. You could observe a tiger pursuing a deer across the grasslands or beside a creek if you are fortunate. 

Bijrani – When breathtaking naturalistic views or gaining sight of the monarch of the Corbett forest, the regal Bengal tiger, comes into the conversation, the Bijrani zone does not disappoint. The variety of animal species present in this zone differentiates it as a special zone in Corbett. The geography of the Bijrani zone is as attractive as that of the Dhikala zone, with extensive Grasslands, dense Sal woodland, and many water streamlets. Along with the breathtaking panorama, this area is also home to a huge number of tigers, creating it an exceptional location for tiger sightings.

Jhirna – Because the Jhirna zone is available to day-visitors all year, it is one of the most frequented zones in the Corbett Reserve forest. There are regular reports of tiger sightings in this zone and various other species. In addition to the gorgeous tigers, the wild bears are the major draw of this zone.

Dhela – The Dhela spot is the most current obtainment to the Corbett National Park’s tourist zones, being opened in December 2014 for the safari trip. As with the Jhirna zone, this area is available to travellers all year. The safari excursion is weather dependent. This zone is also rich in wildlife species, including the Royal Bengal tiger, leopard family, elephants, Nilgai, numerous types of deer, wild bears, and other reptiles and birds. This zone is highly recognised for its diverse bird species and is regarded as the best zone for birdwatching.

Sitabani – The zone is located on the northeast outskirts of the Corbett forest and is very rich in flora and animal species. Apart from the beautiful Tigers, the primary attractions of Sitabani include leopards, wild elephants, and otters, which are often seen around the Domunda Bridge. This zone is also abundant in bird species, making for good birding possibilities.


The park remains open from November 15 to mid-June, except for the summer and rainy seasons, when severe rains render the roads unusable. Ramnagar, which has roads and railway links to other cities in the area, serves as the gateway. The park features roads that allow for jeep or elephant trips, and there are several machans, or observation stations, from which to see animals. Several establishments inside the park provide overnight lodging.


Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the best time to visit Jim Corbett National Park?

Ans. The best time to visit Jim Corbett National Park is between the winter months of December to February. However,...Read full

Is there an accommodation facility at the national park?

Ans. Yes, there are ample stay options in and around the Jim Corbett National Park ranging from government-run guest...Read full

Which is the best zone for tiger spotting?

Ans. One can never really predict the best zone, but reports suggest the Dhikala zone of the Jim Corbett has been na...Read full

How can one reach Jim Corbett National Park?

Ans. The best way to reach Jim Corbett National Park is to reach Ramnagar, approximately 30 km away from the park. O...Read full