Employee Training

This article discusses staffing, training and development, benefits of training to the organisation, the benefits of training to the employees, various training methods, and the difference between on-the-job training and off-the-job training, and the difference between training and development.

Staffing is the process of management that involves obtaining, using, and maintaining a satisfied and optimum workforce. With the help of staffing, capable people fill all positions in an organisation. But it is not limited to just hiring; it also involves planning, selection, recruitment, training, and development of employees. It consists of recognising the efforts of an individual employee as an ultimate performer and is needed in both new and existing organisations. In new organisations, it helps fulfil human resource requirements. In existing organisations, it is a never-ending procedure of promoting or firing existing employees and replacing them with new employees. 

Training And Development

Employee training and development is the most crucial part of the staffing procedure. Training is the process of boosting employees’ knowledge, skills, and ability to do a specific job. Its major features include the following:

  • Continuous and organised procedure to improve skills.
  • Helping employees perform better at a specific job.
  • Helping employees to learn new skills required for a higher job position. 

Development is the complete and inclusive growth of an employee. Its major features include-

  • Helping employees uncover their hidden qualities and prepare for more challenging roles.  
  •  Shaping the attitude of employees. 

Benefits of Training To The Organisation

  • Systematic Learning

Training is an organised learning process that increases employees’ skills to help them make optimum use of the resources. 

  • Increased Productivity

Training helps employees perform better and increase productivity in terms of quantity and quality. 

  • Prepare Future Managers

One of the benefits of training is that it helps prepare employees for higher job positions that may be challenging and prepare them to deal with emergencies.

  • Boost Morale of Employees

It reduces absenteeism and employee turnover and increases the employees’ morale.

  • Better Response to a Fast-Changing Environment. 

One of the benefits of training is that it helps keep up with the ever-changing environment with technological and economic advancements. 

Benefits of Training To The Employees

  • Career growth

It helps advance the employees’ careers as it provides them with the knowledge to boost their skills.

  • More earnings

Training helps employees earn more by improving their performance, resulting in more productivity.

  • Employee safety

As training increases the skills of an employee related to a specific job, they become more and more fluent in their work, resulting in reducing the accident count and increasing efficiency. 

  • Increased morale

Training helps to achieve job satisfaction and increases the employees’ morale. 

Methods of Training

The training methods can be broadly classified into two parts:

  • On-The-Job Training Methods

It refers to the training methods used when the employee is in the workplace and is still working. It follows the learning while doing approach. Examples of on-the-job training methods include orientation training and apprenticeship training.

  • Off-The-Job Training Methods

It refers to the methods of training used when the employee is away from their workplace and are not doing their job. It follows the learning before doing approach. Examples of off-the-job training methods include vestibule training and lectures.

Difference Between On-The-Job Training And Off-The-Job Training






On-the-job training methods refer to the training methods used when the employee is in the workplace and is still working. 

Off-the-job training methods refer to the methods used when the employee is away from their workplace and not doing their job.


It follows the learning while doing approach.

It follows the learning before doing approach.


The workplace is the place of training.

The place of training is away from the workplace.


This method of training is suitable for technical jobs.

This method of training is ideal for managerial positions.


Experienced workers, and qualified instructors train the employees.

Academicians, professionals, and technicians train the employees. 


Examples of on-the-job training methods include orientation training and apprenticeship training.

Examples of off-the-job training methods include vestibule training and lectures.

Difference Between Training and Development





Training is the process of boosting employees’ knowledge, skills, and abilities to do a specific job.

Development is the procedure of the complete and inclusive growth of an employee. 


The purpose of training is to help the employee do his job better. 

The purpose of development is inclusive growth.


It is job-oriented.

It is career-oriented.


It is part of development. Thus, the learning scope is narrow.

It has a broad learning scope.


It is suited for technical staff.

It is suited for managerial staff.


Training is for a short period.

It is for a long period. 


The trainees involved are non-managerial employees.

The trainees are managerial employees.


The knowledge is provided for a particular job.

The employees are trained for inclusive and complete development. 


Employers take the initiative to train their employees.

The individual takes the initiative to train themselves. 


Staffing is the process of management that involves obtaining, using, and maintaining a satisfied and optimum workforce. Training is boosting employees’ knowledge, skills, and abilities to do a particular job. There are two methods of training employees- on-the-job and off-the-job training methods. Examples of the first method include orientation training and apprenticeship training. Vestibule training and lectures are a part of the latter.


Frequently Asked Questions

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What are the benefits of training employees?

Ans. The benefits of training employees are: Systematic...Read full

What do you mean by off-the-job training?

Ans. Off-the-job training methods refer to the methods used when the employee is away from their workplace and not d...Read full

Give some examples of on-the-job training?

Ans. Orientation training, apprenticeship training, and internship training ar...Read full

Explain staffing?

Ans. Staffing is the process of management that involves obtaining, using, and maintaining a satisfied and optimum w...Read full