Employee Stress

Employee stress management is an important aspect of both individual and organisational responsibilities. In this article, you will also learn about types of workplace stress and the relationship between employee stress and performance.

organisations are increasingly concerned about employee stress. Stress is defined as an interactive scenario in which people are confronted with boundaries, possibilities, or the loss of what they desire, with an unpredictable and severe effect. Stress refers to people’s reactions to unreasonable/excessive pressure or demands.

Stress isn’t always a bad thing. It can also bring out the best in people on occasion. It has the potential to lead to the discovery of new and better ways of doing things. Eustress is the term for this good aspect of stress. However, the term stress is frequently associated with a negative connotation, and this negative element of stress is referred to as distress. For example, when a superior mistreats or chastises a subordinate, or when a subordinate is unhappy with an unsuitable job, and so on. “Some people break because of stress, while others break records because of stress,” we can say.

Types of Workplace Stress

The following are the types of workplace stress that are common in the workplace.

1. Anticipatory Stress

This anxiety is linked to a sensation of over-anticipation of the future. You anticipate so much that you become paralyzed by the unknowns of the future.

2. Situational Stress

Situational stress occurs when things begin to spiral out of your control. It will arise out of nowhere, and you will have no idea what to do. It’s the period when you believe everything is going well, but then everything goes wrong in the blink of an eye.

3. Encounter Stress

The feeling of being overwhelmed by meeting new or too many people cause this tension. Whether we are introverts or extroverts, we can all be overwhelmed by a large group of people.

4. Real Stress

This is the most common type of workplace stress. This frequently happens when you believe you don’t have enough time to complete a task. Panic sets in as you try to complete as many tasks as possible. You rush till you burn out, do half-finished work, or worse, don’t do any job at all.

Techniques for Employee Stress Management

1. Make space for periodic inspections.

You must conduct timely surveys to obtain candid feedback from your personnel. It will provide a clear picture of what employees think and feel about the company.

It doesn’t end once you’ve received employee feedback. You must address and resolve their problems as soon as feasible. This will reduce frustration and tension to an absolute minimum.

2. Good employee perks and benefits

In today’s environment, employee job satisfaction is critical. Customer satisfaction will be harmed if your personnel are dissatisfied with their jobs. As a result, customer retention suffers, resulting in lower annual income.

That is something you must avoid at all costs.

As a manager, you must keep your staff happy by providing a variety of employee perks and advantages.

3. Focusing on Employee health and well-being

As a result of the pandemic, employee stress levels have increased. It has made life difficult because there is no opportunity to mingle or de-stress from work.

To make matters worse, a poll revealed that 58 percent of employees had depressive symptoms in the previous year.

However, this provided an opportunity for businesses to focus on employee health and well-being. With work-from-home regulations still in place around the world, it’s critical to promote and prioritize employee wellness.

4. Encouraging Self-Management

Self-management is another important approach for employee stress management.

Self-control refers to the ability to control one’s actions, thoughts, and emotions in various situations. The fundamental purpose of self-management is to boost productivity and efficiency at work.

But what is the relationship between self-management and employee stress management?

To begin with, self-management aids in understanding one’s strengths and flaws. When a person recognizes their defects, they have the opportunity to improve themselves.

5. Resolving Conflicts between employees

A conflict between team members is one of the elements that contribute to job stress.

Organisational conflicts are unavoidable. They will undoubtedly occur. However, effective dispute resolution skills can help to lessen employee stress at work.

As a manager, you must be able to resolve conflicts effectively and follow the proper procedures. You must maintain control over the situation.


Workplace stress is defined as stress that is directly tied to a worker’s employment. Unexpected duties are sometimes the cause. Employees face pressures that are out of sync with their abilities, expertise, and expectations. As a result, their capacity to cope declines. Leaders must facilitate employee stress management sessions. It is advantageous to employees and allows them to manage stress. All you have to do is prepare ahead and operate within the company’s culture.


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