Cutting Costs Strategically

Cost reduction strategy may be defined as methods a company implements so that the expenses can be reduced and profitability increases.

When a company goes through financial distress or the country’s economy slows down, the company needs to implement the necessary cost reduction strategy to manage its expenses and increase its profitability. It could also be done in case the company’s management expects that there could be issues relating to profitability soon. A Cost reduction strategy may include

  • closing some of the facilities,
  • laying off employees,
  • downsizing the offices, and
  • reforming the supply chain.

However, through a cost reduction strategy, a company should not overcut costs as it may leave them in a position where they have to bear more costs.

Cost-cutting strategies examples

Rising costs and competitiveness in the market make it compulsory for large companies to reduce costs. Large companies also agree that they may have around twenty-five percent extra wasteful expenses and should be reduced. There are many cost-saving ideas for large companies that they adopt to reduce costs. Some cost cutting-strategies are:

1. Cut Employee cost

In a company, payroll could be one of the most noteworthy expenses. When a company cuts down employee and labour costs, its profit margin increases. However, a company must not remove people in order to cut costs. 

2. Reduce Material expenses

Companies know that the cost of raw materials is responsible for a considerable part of the budget. Large companies must figure out ways to get the materials at lower costs. They could also take an alternative approach by manufacturing goods with lesser materials. The company can also save some money if it buys the materials in bulk. Generally, discounts are allowed by suppliers if a company purchases materials in huge quantities.

3. Cut overhead fees

Tracking down all the operating expenses is one of the best cost reduction strategies. It calculates all money related to that spent on storage, office space, and supplies. The purpose of doing this is to compare the operating costs to the pre-established budget. In case a company is spending too much on any part, then it should think of it as a red flag. The purpose of cost-cutting strategies is to correct the course of the company by reducing expenses and minimising waste.

4. Encourage remote working

A company’s most valuable assets are its employees. Every person that a company adds to the workforce could also come with a great cost of capital because every employee is going to need space in the office, utilities, and equipment. When an employee works remotely for a company, he may not need any of these overhead expenses. Remote working could cause problems for the HR department, but the long-term benefits of it would be greater than the short-term issues.

5. Focus on quality

If we talk about products or services, quality is what people prefer. When a customer is satisfied, it may help you increase your sales by referring it to other people or repurchasing it. If your goods and services are of higher quality, then you can charge higher prices because of your reputation. As a result, your revenue will increase. So, a company must focus on the quality of its products and services.

Advantages of cost reduction strategies

There are many advantages of cost-cutting strategies. Some of them are:

  • Cost-cutting helps a business to reduce the expenses or even eliminate them if they are not needed or are wasteful.
  • A business may increase its profitability by cutting unnecessary costs and expenses.
  • The cost reduction strategy will help a business to make free more funds that could be used for labour welfare programs that will improve the relationship between labour and management.
  • A business may implement a cost-cutting strategy that could assist in making goods at cheaper rates. The demand would increase because of this, and the business will be more profitable.


A cost reduction strategy could be defined as the measure that a company adopts to cut unnecessary costs so that its profitability may increase. Companies may do it because they suffer some financial losses or an economic slowdown. A country’s economy is very crucial to a business. If it is slowing down, then it may have adverse effects on businesses. Cutting employee costs could be a cost reduction strategy example. The cost reduction strategy has many advantages for the business, but a company must not overdo it as it may cause issues.


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