NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Business and General Awareness » Components of A Strategy Statement

Components of A Strategy Statement

A Components of Strategy Statement should describe a business's objective, scope and powerful intention within a specified demand. Read more to know about it.

The Components of a Strategy Statement of a firm sets the firm’s long-term strategic guidance and widespread policy principles. A strategy statement enlightens the company’s strategy to everyone within the startup. The statement comprises the components such as the objective, scope and competitive advantage. All components must be communicated as clearly as possible. A well-written strategy statement will encourage workers and the organisation to know their roles when performing the company’s strategy. Without this perception, the startup may be grabbed in several directions and miss its focus. The objective of the strategy statement is to ensure that employees have a detailed understanding of the company’s strategy.

The Important Components of a Strategy Statement are:

  • Business Goals.
  • Core Values.
  • Mission and Vision.
  • Strategies, Objectives, and Operational Tactics.
  • Opportunities, Threats, Strengths and Weaknesses.

1. Business Goals:

Business Goals are one of the important components of a strategy statement. It states the organisation’s needs to be fulfilled. Objectives can be set for both the current moment and long haul, and they are expected for the association all in all or individual divisions

Objectives additionally help the arranging system yet don’t have numerous significant components. The accomplishment of quantifiable objectives is further subject to business targets and procedures.

In any case, being short and brief, business objectives are vital and assist the authority with joining effectively to decide the first concerns. This is a genuinely necessary instrument. A review observed that only 33% of pioneers who took part in an investigation of 400 organisations had the option to name their company’s main three priorities.

Instances of Business Goals:

  • Further, develop the client experience.
  • Improve the existence of patients experiencing Alzheimer’s sickness
  • Increment deals in the following quarter.

2. Core Values:

Core Values are the principles the organisation will adhere to while playing out its everyday exercises.

These are the convictions that guide the organisation’s development. In useful terms, the fundamental beliefs are rules that the group complies with related to:

  • Enrolling
  • Decision Making 
  • Serving clients
  • Conveying remotely and inside
  • Taking care of functional issues

Core Values influence the organisation by drawing in clients, abilities, and investors with similar qualities.

Some of the Examples for Core Values:

  • Equivalent chance for all
  • The balance between fun and serious activities
  • Offer in return
  • Construct connections
  • Advance and adjust
  • Genuineness and honesty
  • Convey exceptional outcomes
  • Work for toughness

A 2018 investigation discovered that 46% of occupation searchers consider organisation culture vital, while 88% consider organisation culture of relative significance.

One more report by 5WPR expressed that “83% of Millennials find it significant for the organisations they purchase from to line up with their qualities.”

3. Mission and Vision Statement :

Mission Statement:

The mission statement is the assertion of the job by which an association expects to serve its partners. It depicts why an association is working and accordingly gives a system inside which procedures are formed. 

A statement of purpose separates an association from others by making sense of its expansive extent of exercises, and its items, and advances its utilization to accomplish its objectives and goals.

The CEO assumes a huge part in detailing the statement of purpose. When the statement of purpose is planned, it serves the association in a lengthy run, however, it might become vague with hierarchical development and advancements.

an assertion of the basic beliefs that shape the demonstrations and conduct of the representatives, and an assertion of the objectives and goals.

Highlights of a Mission:

  • It ought to be valid, i.e., all partners ought to have the option to trust it.
  • It ought to be remarkable and unmistakable to leave an effect on everybody.
  • It ought to be adequately exact, i.e., it ought to be neither too wide nor excessively thin.
  • It ought to be analytical,i.e., it ought to dissect the critical parts of the technique.
  • It ought to be motivating for the administration, staff and society at large.
  • The missions should be practical and feasible. Accomplishing it ought to be conceivable.

Vision Statement :

A Vision Statement is one of the Strategy Statement examples, It distinguishes the association’s needs or means to be in future or where it ought to be to best address the issues of the partners. It portrays dreams and desires for the future.  

It consolidates a common perspective about the nature and point of the association and uses this comprehension to direct and direct the association toward a superior reason.

It contributes to successful decision making as well as business arranging.

It depicts that on accomplishing the mission, how the hierarchical future would seem, by all accounts, to be.

A powerful vision statement should have the following g elements:

  • It should be clear.
  • It should be detailed.
  • The fantasies and desires should be reasonable/sensible.
  • It should fit with the association’s way of life and values.
  • Vision statements must be more limited so they are simpler to retain.

4. Strategies, Objectives,  and Operational Tactics:

Objectives can be assessed by an even further detailed interpretation of the vision statement. An association can have numerous business goals at the same time, and departments of the same association can have numerous ones.

Instances of Strategies:

  • Functional strategies are the techniques a group will use on an everyday premise to accomplish the business goals.
  • Purchase an adequate number of unrefined components to build the number of items.
  • Put resources into hardware, exploration and preparing number lists to make the treatment of Alzheimer’s illness more possible.

Instances of Objectives:

  • Accomplish deals of $50K worth of dairy items
  • Treat 1,000 Alzheimer’s patients in the following 4 months

Instances of Operational Tactics:

  • Lead physical and neurological tests of patients.
  • Utilize a client support preparing device for 2 hours of the day.
  • Produce 40 pounds of cheddar each week.

5. Opportunities Threats and Strengths, Weaknesses :

The Important Components of a Strategy Statement are Opportunities, Threats, Strengths, and Weaknesses. It assists with tracking down the correct ways of developing the business and keeps away from some unacceptable dangers.

Strategy Statement Examples assume an eCommerce business observes that its representatives are not prepared for the eye to eye correspondence with clients,

It shouldn’t put resources into a block-and-mortar store except if this shortcoming is tended to.

Instances of Opportunities:

  • The government has lenient tax policies.
  • Customers are leaning towards environmentally sustainable products.

Instances of Threats:

  • A competitor launching an innovative product.
  • An increase in the cost of raw materials.

Instances of Strengths:

  • A solid cooperative work environment culture.
  • Representatives with different ranges of abilities.

Instances of Weaknesses:

  • High worker turnover.
  • Items refresh excessively specialised for the client base.


The Components of a Strategy Statement play a very significant role in any organisation accomplishing its short and long term intentions. A very significant part of the strategy is to get available for any future modifications and to be sufficiently positioned to overlook the challenges generated by these modifications. This is why; the strategy should be eligible for reducing the risks and increasing the reserves which are developed by the improvement. Particularly with the wealth and status of the multinational economy in the later periodic decades, it has satisfied even important businesses to carry out their strategies carefully.


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Ans- Vision Statement.

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