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The Properties Of Beta

This article focuses on beta radiation, the properties and uses of beta radiation, and the characteristics of beta particles.

Alpha, beta, and gamma decay are aftereffects of three crucial powers: the ‘solid’ power, the ‘frail’ power, and the ‘electromagnetic’ power. In each of the three cases, the emanation of radiation builds the core strength by changing its proton-neutron proportion.

On account of alpha radiation, the core endeavours to track down dependability by emanating an ‘alpha molecule’ – indistinguishable from a helium core (two protons and two neutrons).

Beta radiation includes the change of a neutron into a proton through the emanation of an electron, or the converse interaction, the change of a proton into a neutron through the outflow of a positron (like an electron, however, with a positive charge).

Definition of Beta Radiation

Beta radiation or beta rays are short-range, light particles created on the expulsion of an electron. Strontium-90, tritium, carbon-14 and sulphur-35 are some examples of beta emitters.

Beta radiation is moderately penetrating and can travel many feet in the air. This radiation can penetrate the ‘germinal layer’ where new skin cells are formed. Skin damage can occur if large quantities of beta-emitting pollutants remain on the skin for an extended period. Clothing can help shield you from beta radiation. If beta-emitting pollutants are accumulated internally, they can be hazardous. 

A piece of survey equipment and a thin-window GM probe can discover most beta emitters (e.g., “pancake” type). On the other hand, specific beta emitters generate low-energy, weakly penetrating radiation that is difficult to detect. Hydrogen-3 (tritium), carbon-14, and sulphur-35 are examples of these difficult-to-detect beta emitters. 

Beta Radiation

Beta radiation comprises electrons named beta particles. β – particles are electrons that are moving at high rates. They have more special penetrating power (in correlation with α-particles) yet less ionising power. Their speed of outflow is practically the speed of light. They have a range of energy instead of α-particles. For example, beta particles have energy from a specific least to the greatest worth. A β-molecule is typically an electron, yet it tends to be a positron. A positron is an emphatically charged molecule that could be compared to an electron. On the discharge of a beta molecule, a neutron in the core gets changed over to a proton. Henceforth, the mass number of remaining parts is unaltered; however, the nuclear number increments by one unit. The most well-known illustration of beta emanation is the debasement of radioactive copper, which, in the wake of radiating one electron, leaves behind a nickel atom: 

Beta decay happens in two ways: positive β+ decay and the other is β- decay. β- emanation happens when one core neutron is changed into a proton, an electron, and an antineutrino. The splitting comes about because atomic reactors or by-items experience β- decay as the subsequent item has an overabundance of neutrons. β+ degeneration is a comparative cycle. However, it includes the change of a proton into a neutron, positron, and neutrino. 

Characteristics of Beta Particles

  • Beta particles are the fast electrons sent from the centre of an atom.

  • But the beta-atom and the cathode ray both are fast electrons. In any case, they differ in their beginning stage. Beta-particles are given out from the centre of the atom, while cathode rays radiate out from its orbital electrons.

  • The speed of Beta particles is in the range of 108 m/s.

  • Beta particles ionise the gas through which they pass.

  • Entering power of Beta-particles is more than that of alpha particles.

  • Beta particles impact a visual plate.

Equation of Beta Rays 

Beta particles are formed when a neutron changes to a proton, unlike alpha particles. Neutrons are electrically neutral but have a mass. On the other hand, protons are positively charged particles with a mass equivalent to that of neutrons. Therefore, in ideal conditions, when neutrons change to protons, an additional positive charge will be created, which violates the law of conservation of charges. 

To balance the transformation, it is considered that a neutron disintegrates into two particles- a proton with a positive charge and similar mass and a negatively charged electron with no mass. This electron is termed the beta particle. It is denoted by 0e-1.

234Th90 0e-1 + 234Pa91

Since the beta particle doesn’t have any mass, the mass number of Thorium and protactinium remains the same. However, as a new proton is created, the atomic number of protactinium has increased by 1. 


Beta particles are electrons that move rapidly – that is, with a great deal of energy. Beta particles travel a few feet when transmitted from a radioactive source. A beta particle is multiple times smaller than an alpha molecule – and that is the thing that makes them more hazardous. Their little size permits them to infiltrate apparel and skin. Outside openness can cause consumption and tissue harm, alongside different indications of radiation affliction. If radioactive material enters food or water supplies or is scattered out of sight, individuals can breathe in or ingest beta molecule producers unwittingly.


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