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The Flow Of Charge of Electric Current

The article briefly introduces the concept of the flow of charge of electric current. The article discusses the electrons in a conductor, the electrically conducting material and how the electrons conduct electricity

The flow of charge is the rate at which electric charge moves through a conductor. One of the four fundamental types of elementary currents, electric current, is a flow of electric charges. The simplest way to think about this idea is to remember that electrons in a conductor will conduct electricity. The conducting material allows electrons to flow more easily through it. Therefore, an electric current flows because there are moving electrons in a conductor due to some outside influence. Electricity generally moves in rivers of electrons. A typical electrical analogy is to think of a charge like a river. 

What are electrons?

Electrons are fundamental particles that have a negative electrical charge. They are the same as negatively charged particles, such as protons and antiprotons. However, there is one crucial difference between electrons and other negative particles: unlike other negative particles, an electron does not have an equal and opposite particle, a magnetic monopole or a “positive” electron (or positron), which does exist in some theories but has not been detected experimentally. Electrons are ubiquitous on Earth.

The flow of electric charge

In a closed circuit (a circuit in which no energy is lost), the electric tension will remain constant, so the current will also remain constant. However, when a charge moves through the circuit and encounters resistance (a change in the electric field), an opposing force called electric pressure acts to counter this charge flow. The larger this opposition, the stronger it can oppose changes in voltage, thus resisting ” storing” electricity in a conductor for later use.

Higher currents in wires require higher voltages to attain the desired power. High currents can also be dangerous to people or other living organisms that might come into contact with them. The electrical current should never exceed the wire’s maximum rated current. This is indicated on the wire itself, usually on the plastic, metal or rubber insulation of the inner area of the cord. 

Resistance can be minimised using thicker wires, resulting in higher costs and less flexibility. There are several types of conductors and they each have different electrical characteristics. They are made of different materials and shapes, but they all work similarly to create electrical currents.

This section discusses how electric charges can move within a conductor. For example, imagine the flow of electrons through a wire: If the charge state were to change from positive to negative or vice versa, an electric field would be created that would cause current flow in one direction (the direction opposite to charge flow). If this electric field were large enough, it could be used to create a voltage across a device in series with the wire. This type of series connection is called a “series circuit.” The current would flow from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the device.

Conductors and insulators

A conductor is a material that allows an electric current to flow. It is a layer of insulating material that prevents the charge carriers in the conduction materials from exchanging charges with those in other materials. In metals, electrons move freely because they have a crystalline structure, whereas ions (such as sodium and chlorine) form immobile lattices.

There are two types of conductors, metals and semiconductors. Metals include copper, silver, gold and aluminium. The electrons that move freely within a metal’s lattice cause the resistance to be relatively low. Semiconductors such as silicon and germanium also have free electrons, but they are not arranged in a crystal structure; they are randomly located in a semiconductor material. Their resistance is much higher than that of metal but lower than an insulator.

In an insulating material, the electrons are held in place by the structure of the atoms and molecules. The electrons do not move easily within a solid such as glass or plastic. The resistance of an insulator is determined by how tightly packed the electrons are in the materials’ lattice. Insulators have lower resistance than conductors because insulators can hold more electrons within a given volume of the material than can be contained by a metal’s crystal structure.

Electrons in a conductor

Electrons have very high mobility in a conductor. They move from one atom to another effortlessly due to the free space between them. This makes it possible for electric current to flow in electrical conductors like metals.

Conducting material

A conducting material is a material that allows an electric current to flow along its surface and transports an electric charge. A good conductor of electricity has low electrical resistance, i.e., it carries electricity efficiently.

While a good conductor does not allow an electric current to flow, it does allow other materials to transfer electric charges.


The electric current can be defined as the flow of charge in a conductor. The charge refers to both ions and electrons in a conductor. Electric current is a physical phenomenon that results from the movement of electric charge. Electrons in a conductor can allow charges to pass through them; thus, the electrons flow. The movement of electrons results in an electric current. The materials which conduce such movement of electrons are known as conductors. Examples of conductors are metals, semiconductors and insulators. Resistance measures the opposition to the flow of charge in a conductor, measured in ohms.


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