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Rocket propulsion

In this article we will learn about the concept of rocket propulsion, principle of rocket propulsion, rocket propulsion equation, rocket propulsion meaning and more.

Rockets range in size from little explosives used by the general public to gigantic Saturn V rockets that previously pushed massive payloads toward the Moon. The same fundamental concept supports the propulsion of all rockets, jet engines, deflated balloons, and even squids and octopuses. By Newton’s third law of motion: when matter is ejected violently from a system, it causes an equal and opposite reaction in the remaining matter. Another typical example is the recoil of a firearm. The gun accelerates a bullet by exerting a force on it, and the bullet then receives an equal and opposite force, causing the gun to recoil or kick.

Rocket propulsion

The method of propelling a rocket forward by force in order for it to be launched into the atmosphere is known as rocket propulsion.

The engines’ rumbling is terrible. The sparks that come from the boosters. As a building weighing in at around 2,000 tonnes lifts off and exits our atmosphere, steam rises from the ground, preparing to enter the emptiness of space!

Many of us have been amazed at a rocket launch or a space shuttle launch, but we rarely consider the process and science involved. We’ve all understood the word “rocket propulsion,” but what exactly does it mean? However, we may only have a rudimentary understanding of what it takes to send a rocket or space shuttle through the atmosphere and into orbit.

Rockets need a lot of force to raise them off the ground when they depart the launch pad. When you realize that rockets can weigh up this feat isn’t easy for 4.4 million pounds.

Rockets must rely on a powerful propulsion system due to their large weight. The process of propelling a rocket off the ground and into the atmosphere is known as rocket propulsion.

Types of Rocket Propulsion

A rocket can be launched off the ground using one of two forms of rocket propulsion. They are as follows:

Solid propulsion: 

In a solid, the fuel and oxidizer are mixed. Solid-propulsion rockets, which are usually utilized as launch boosters, are safer, more reliable, lighter, and less expensive. The engine, however, cannot be turned off or restarted once it has been started, and the amount of power it produces cannot be controlled.

Liquid propulsion

Separately stored fuel and oxidizer are later mixed and burned. Liquid propulsion rockets are more complex and expensive, but they are also more controlled, capable of higher speeds, and can be shut down and resumed.

Both types of engines have been utilised in NASA’s shuttle programme: the space shuttle’s engines utilized liquid fuel, and the two solid rocket boosters (SRBs) used solid fuel. When the SRBs’ solid fuel supply ran out, they were removed from the shuttle and eventually recovered for future use.

Principles of Propulsion

The Principles of Propulsion are as follows:


However, just having the fuel and oxidizer isn’t enough to launch a rocket. A chemical process (fuel combustion) must occur in a controlled atmosphere. This is said to be  combustion.

The combustion chamber, throat, and nozzle are the three essential components of a rocket engine that create this atmosphere.


The propellant passes through these three parts, burns, and transforms into gas. Thrust or the mechanical force or push that propels a rocket off the ground  through the air, is produced by this quick transition.

“Every action has an equal but opposite reaction,” Newton’s third law of motion is demonstrated in push. Gases exiting the engine quickly push downward (action), forcing the rocket upward and off the ground (reaction).

Because rockets differ in size, weight, and propellant type, the thrust required varies as well. The more power is necessary to raise the rocket off the ground, the heavier it is overall. Surprisingly, the fuel accounts for the majority of the weight of a rocket at launch.


The hot gas from the combustion chamber is permitted to escape through an opening (the “throat”) and then a diverging expansion section.. When enough pressure is applied to the nozzle (about 2.5–3 times ambient pressure), it chokes and a supersonic jet forms, greatly speeding up the gas and converting the majority of the thermal energy into kinetic energy. Exhaust speeds vary depending on the expansion ratio the nozzle is built for, however at sea level, exhaust speeds exceeding ten times the speed of sound are not uncommon. The imbalanced pressures inside the combustion chamber provide about half of the thrust, with the rest coming from pressures working against the inside of the nozzle 

Rocket propulsion velocity formula

Acceleration of Rocket

The acceleration the rocket is as follows:

 a= vem ∆m∆t-g 

Here a = acceleration of the rocket

 ve = exhaust velocity

m = mass of the rocket

∆m = mass of the ejected gas

∆ t = time taken to eject the gas

g = acceleration due to gravity


The method of propelling a rocket forward by force in order for it to be launched into the atmosphere is known as rocket propulsion. Rockets range in size from little explosives used by the general public to gigantic Saturn V rockets that previously pushed massive payloads toward the Moon. Rockets must rely on a powerful propulsion system due to their large weight. In a solid, the fuel and oxidizer are mixed.  Liquid propulsion rockets are more complex and expensive. The combustion chamber, throat, and nozzle are the three essential components of a rocket engine that create this atmosphere.


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