NEET UG » NEET UG Study Material » Physics » Relationship Between Pressure Volume and Compression of Gas

Relationship Between Pressure Volume and Compression of Gas

As gas particles are pressed closer together, as the pressure on the gas increases, the vol of gas decreases at constant temperature. When the pressure on a gas is reduced, the volume of the gas increases because gas particles can now move further apart. Because the volume of the gas has increased as it rises through the atmosphere to lower pressure regions, weather balloons become larger; that is, the atmospheric gas/air exerts little or less pressure on the surface of the balloon, causing the interior gas to expand till the externally and internally pressures are equal.

Boyle’s Law: the relationship between Pressure and Volume

The gas volume reduces as pressure rises because gas particles are pushed closer together at a constant temperature. When the pressure on a gas lowers, the volume of the gas increases due to the gas molecules may now move wider apart. Since this volume of the gas has grown as the weather balloon rises through the environment to lower pressure regions, the inside gas expands until the external and internal pressures are equal.

Robert Boyle (1627–1691), an Irish chemist, conducted some of the first experiments to demonstrate the quantitative link between pressure and volume of a gas. Boyle employed a J-shaped tube half-filled with mercury. A small amount of gas or air is captured above the mercury column in these experiments. The trapped gas or air volume is calculated at constant temperature and atmospheric pressure. More mercury is put into the open arm to increase pressure on the gas sample. The pressure on the gas is equal to atmospheric pressure, and the height difference between the mercury column and the volume is determined.

This procedure is repeated until the open arm is full or the gas vol is little to measure correctly. Data from one of Boyle’s experiments can be plotted in various ways. A simple plot of V against P yields a hyperbola curve, which demonstrates an inverse relationship between the pressure & volume: when pressure doubles, volume declines by two. The following is a description of the relationship between the two quantities:


What Happens to the Volume of a Gas During Compression?

When you compress something, it loses volume; thus, it loses volume when natural gas is compressed. The rearrangement of an ideal gas law explains how it affects the gas’s other properties. The formula of an ideal gas equation is denoted by

nRT / P = V

This formula is always correct. If you compress a set no. of moles of gas in an isothermic (constant temperature) operation, the pressure must rise to compensate for the decreased volume on the left side of the equation. When you cool a gas (lower T) at constant pressure, its volume shrinks – it compresses. When gas is compressed without limiting the pressure or the temperature, the temperature-to-pressure ratio must decrease. If you’re ever asked to solve a problem like this, you’ll certainly be provided further information to help you out.

Why does pressure increase when gas is compressed?

When energy is supplied as work during the contraction of a gas, temperature and pressure rise; in contrast, a rise in temperature caused by the heat supply is easily understood; a rise in temperature caused by the mechanical source of energy in the form of work is more challenging to comprehend. For this purpose, we’ll use the example of a tennis ball being smacked by a racket. When the racket collides with the ball, the ball gains kinetic energy. The tennis ball is now returning at a faster rate.

How is gas compression calculated?

The Ideal Gas Law (PV = NRT) is used to determine the volume of gas available from the compressed gas of a cylinder. The compressibility parameter Z (PV = ZnRT) of the content will alter the volume of a high-pressure cylinder.


We have read about the Relationship Between Pressure-Volume and Compression of Gas in the above topic. The volume denoted by V of the gas is reduced during the compression process. With the decrease in the gas volume, the pressure denoted by P increases if the number of the moles (n) of a gas remains constant. If the gas pressure remains constant, decreasing the temperature (T) will compress the gas. Charles’s Law, named after the famous French scientist Alexandre César Charles, describes the relationship between the volume & temperature of the amount of gas under constant pressure. When the pressure is held constant, Charles’ Law implies that the vol of a given amount of gas is directly proportional to its temperature on the kelvin scale.


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