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Relation Between Mobility and Drift Velocity

Mobility is defined as the product of drift velocity and electric field strength. As a result, the greater the particle’s drift velocity, the greater its mobility, thus making the electrolyte travel at a faster rate.

Drift velocity is a term that refers to the speed at which a body of water moves. Subatomic particles, such as electrons, constantly move in unpredictable directions. When electrolytes are subjected to an electric field, they move arbitrarily, yet they steadily float in one direction, the bearing of the applied electric field. Drift velocity alludes to the net speed at which these electrons float. Drift velocity is assessed in m/s in the SI system.

What is the definition of a drift velocity?

The drift velocity is the normal speed achieved by haphazardly moving electrons when an outside electric field is applied, making the electrons move in a single direction.

Every conductor material has free, randomly moving electrons at temperatures above absolute zero temperature. Whenever an outside electric field is applied to a material, they tend to move positively, resulting in a net velocity of the electrons in one direction. The electron will move toward the electric field that has been applied. In this case, the electron does not abandon its randomness of motion but rather shifts to a higher potential with its irregular movement.

Net electron velocity

Every material that can conduct like metals above absolute zero temperature has some free electrons moving at random velocity. Electrons tend to move towards the positive potential when a potential is applied around a conductor. Still, as they do so, they collide with atoms and either bounce back or lose some of their kinetic energy. Notwithstanding, the electrons will speed up in the future because of the electric field and these arbitrary impacts will proceed. Still, because the acceleration is always in the same direction due to the electric field, the electrolyte’s net velocity will also be in the same direction.

Drift velocity calculator

To ascertain drift velocity, utilise the simultaneous equation:

I = nAvQ


I signify the ongoing course through the guide, estimated in amperes.

A means the region of the guide’s cross-area in m2 and v signifies the electrons’ drift velocity.

Q is the charge of an electrolyte, which is assessed in Coulombs.

The formula of drift velocity

The normal speed acquired by free electrons in a guide is given by,

V = I/Q

Where v signifies electron drift speed and

I, the constant current through the conductor.

How fast do electrons travel in a straight line?

Some free electrons move at random velocity in materials that lead like metal above absolute zero temperature. Electrons tend to gravitate toward the positive potential when a potential is applied to a conductor. They will eventually collide with atoms and some of their kinetic energy will be lost. Electrons will continue to accelerate due to the electric field, as will they collide with atoms. Nonetheless, because the electrons’ speed increment is in an equivalent bearing, their net speed will be in a comparative course.

Relation between drift velocity and electric current

Every conductor contains free electrons that move randomly. A current is generated by the movement of electrons in one direction caused by the drift velocity. The drift velocity of the electrons is typically in the range of 10-1m/s. An electron will typically take 17 minutes to pass through a one-metre-long conductor with this amount of velocity.

If we turn on an electric bulb after 17 minutes, it should light up. However, with the flick of a switch, we can turn on an electric light bulb in our home in record time. This is because the speed of an electric current is independent of the electron’s drift velocity.

The speed of light is the speed of the electric current. It has nothing to do with the electron drift velocity in the material. Thus, the speed of electric current may vary depending on the material, but the speed of light always determines it.

Description of the application

The Hall effect measurement manifests itself as a potential difference caused by moving charge carriers and an external magnetic field. The impact is generally utilised in material portrayal and attractive field detecting.

Portrayal of material

While describing a material, it is exposed to a known attractive field B. The Hall voltage, the voltage across the example and the ongoing IR through the material are estimated. These estimations can be deduced from material properties like charge transporter thickness, extremity, portability and conductivity.

This procedure is also used to quantify the actual novel properties of two-layered electron gas (2DEG) materials by estimating the quantum Hall impact and its numerous subordinates, including number, partial, turn, reverse twist, etc.


The total current going through a unit cross-sectional guide in unit time is characterised as current thickness. We can compute float speed utilising the equation: I = nAvQ. J = I/A = NVQ, Where J signifies the ongoing amperes per square metre. Hence, we can say that the electrolyte float speed and current thickness are straightforwardly relative. The electrons’ float speed is given by v. Besides, as the force of the electric field increases, so does the drift velocity and the flow coursing through the conduit.


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