NEET UG » NEET UG Study Material » Physics » Radioactivity – Alpha, Beta and Gamma Particles/Rays

Radioactivity – Alpha, Beta and Gamma Particles/Rays


This naming shows the three sorts of radiation that has been used since their revelation and still applies today. The ancient Greek letters were familiar to physicists fed by old-style culture.

Alpha ray is the name for the discharge of an alpha molecule, helium nuclei, beta radiation is the outflow of electrons or positrons, and gamma radiation is the term utilised for the emanation of lively photons.

When uranium salts were seen in 1896 to create obscure outflows, two kinds of radiation, X-rays and cathode beams, have been found. Around then, cores, electrons, and photons were obscure. It would require a very long time before the beginnings of this large number of beams were appropriately seen. However, after a couple of years they recognised their tendency. Suddenly cathode rays and X-radiates were seen as electrons and photons like beta and gamma radiations.

Alpha, beta, and gamma decay are an aftereffect of the three crucial powers: the ‘solid’ power, the ‘frail’ power, and the ‘electromagnetic’ power. In each of the three cases, the emanation of radiation builds the core strength by changing its proton/neutron proportion.

On account of alpha radiation, the core endeavours to track down dependability by emanating an ‘alpha molecule’ – indistinguishable from a helium core (two protons and two neutrons).

Beta radiation includes the change of a neutron into a proton through the emanation of an electron, or the converse interaction, the change of a proton into a neutron through the outflow of a positron (like an electron, however, with a positive charge).

Gamma radiation is essentially a release of energy by the core, a de-excitation, similar to an emanation of light or gamma-rays by lively iotas. Alpha and beta decay quite often leave the core in an invigorated state. Gamma outflow brings the core down to a more steady vivacious state.

Alpha and beta decay are regularly hard to happen. They can be extremely sluggish cycles. The lifetimes of some radioactive cores are long for the tickers of the endlessly little. They can likewise be for us. The lifetimes of normal radioactive alpha producers, for example, uranium or thorium can stretch out to a few billion years.

These emanations change the nucleus’s structure, hence the atom’s idea. Alpha and beta radioactivities don’t change lead into gold but matter like other atomic responses.


An alpha ray is a flood of alpha particles. An alpha atom involves two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle indistinct from a helium centre. It is radioactive and is delivered during the time spent in alpha rot. Like helium cores, Alpha particles are made of two protons and two neutrons. The energy of alpha particles varies, with higher energy alpha particles emanating from greater centres. Yet, most alpha particles have energies of someplace in the scope of 3 and 7 MeV, compared to very long to incredibly short half-existences of alpha-producing nuclides. They are an exceptionally ionising type of molecule radiation that, coming about because of radioactive alpha decay, have low penetration power. Helium cores, which structure 10–12% of infinite beams, are ordinarily of a lot higher energy than those delivered by radioactive decay.

Gamma rays are vigorous electromagnetic radiation created by radioactivity or other atomic or subatomic cycles, such as electron‐positron destruction. Gamma rays are regularly characterised to start at an energy of 10 keV, albeit electromagnetic radiation from around 10 keV to a few hundred keV is additionally alluded to as hard X‐rays. Gamma rays are a type of ionising radiation; they have a greater penetration power than alpha ray or beta ray (neither of which is electromagnetic radiation), yet less ionising.

A beta ray is a surge of beta particles (electrons or positrons). 

The properties of alpha particles

  1. The speed of alpha particles is the order of 107 m/s.
  2. Alpha particles firmly ionise the gas through which it passes.
  3. Alpha particles quickly lose their energy as it travels through a medium, and accordingly its entering power is tiny.
  4. Alpha particles are emphatically charged.
  5. Alpha particles influence a visual plate.
  6. Alpha particles cause fluorescence on striking a fluorescent material.

The properties of beta particles – 

  1. Beta particles are the fast electrons sent from the centre of an atom.
  2. But the beta-atom and the cathode ray, both are fast electrons. In any case, they differ in their beginning stage. Beta-particles are given out from the centre of the atom, while cathode rays radiate out from its orbital electrons.
  3. The speed of Beta particles is in the range of 108 m/s.
  4. Beta particles ionise the gas through which they pass.
  5. Entering power of Beta-particles is more than that of alpha particles.
  6. Beta particles impact a visual plate.

The properties of gamma radiations –

  1. Gamma radiations are electromagnetic waves like X-beams and light. However, they vary from X-beams and light in frequency.
  2. The speed of Gamma-radiations is the same as the speed of light.
  3. The ionising force of Gamma-radiations is extremely low.
  4. Gamma radiations influence a visual plate.
  5. Gamma radiations cause fluorescence when they strike a fluorescent material.


When radiation of sufficiently high energy strikes another molecule, it strips away an electron. The arrival of the electron produces 33 electron volts (eV) of energy, which warms the encompassing tissues and disturbs specific substance bonds. Very high-energy radiation can even obliterate the cores of molecules, delivering much more energy and causing more harm. Radiation infection is the combined impact of this harm on a human body that has been barraged with radiation.

Ionising radiation comes in three flavours: alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles are the most un-risky type of radiation. Every molecule contains a couple of neutrons and a couple of protons. They don’t enter profoundly into the skin, if by any means – truth be told, clothing can stop alpha particles. Sadly, alpha particles can be breathed in or ingested, ordinarily as radon gas. 

Beta particles are electrons that move rapidly – that is, with a great deal of energy. Beta particles travel a few feet when transmitted from a radioactive source. A beta particle is multiple times smaller than an alpha molecule – and that is the thing that makes them more hazardous. Their little size permits them to infiltrate apparel and skin. Outside openness can cause consumption and tissue harm, alongside different indications of radiation affliction. If radioactive material enters food or water supplies or is scattered out of sight, individuals can breathe in or ingest beta molecule producers unwittingly.

Gamma rays are the riskiest type of ionising radiation. These amazingly high-energy photons can go through almost everything since they have no mass. It takes thick lead walls or a few feet of cement to adequately hinder gamma rays. Assuming that you’re presented to gamma rays, they go through your whole body, influencing each of your tissues from your skin to the marrow of your bones. This causes far and wide serious injuries.