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Radioactive Radiations

Based on the type of radiation that is radioactive, the electrical charge, mass, penetration power, and ionization power vary, be it the particle rays (alpha and beta) or waves (gamma).

Radioactive elements have unstable nuclei, due to which the protons and neutrons continue to disintegrate and release energy in the process. This energy is emitted in the form of several ionic radiations. Based on the disintegration and the ionic charges, these radiations can be classified into three main categories. 

Each type of radiation is radioactive and has different charges, strength, penetration power, decaying graph, and more. Sun and stars are the primary sources of radioactive radiation as they have large deposits of hydrogen, helium, uranium, and many other elements having an unstable nucleus. When a radioactive element undergoes nuclear fission or fusion reactions, these rays are emitted, traveling to different lengths based on their speed in air and penetration power. 

What are radioactive radiations? 

Regardless of the radioactive type of radiation, they are generated when the radioactive elements start decaying due to their unstable nuclei. This process of spontaneous decay of an atom is termed radioactivity. 

How radioactive radiation is emitted? 

An atom is said to be stable when the ratio of neutrons to protons is less than equal to 1.5. For example, in aluminum, the number of protons is 13, while the number of neutrons is 11. Therefore, the neutrons to protons ratio is 11:13, less than 1.5. However, there are 92 protons and 146 neutrons in elements like uranium. Thus, the neutron to proton ratio is 142:92, almost equivalent to 1.59. This is why this element is said to be unstable. 

To achieve stability, the protons change into neutrons and vice versa spontaneously, thereby emitting energy or particles in the form of radioactive radiations. Also, as they emit the energy, the atoms start disintegrating to form stable atoms. 

Types of radioactive radiations

Three main radioactive radiations are distinguished based on the charge, formation, and other specifics. 

Alpha rays

Alpha particles are bi-positive helium ions (4He2) denoted by α. Therefore, when a radioactive element loses an alpha particle, its atomic number reduces by 2 while the mass decreases by 4. For example:

238U92 4He2 + 234Th90

Uranium has a mass number of 238 and an atomic number of 92. When it emits an alpha particle due to its unstable nuclei, it loses two protons and two neutrons to form Thorium (234 is the mass number and 90 is the atomic number). Thorium, another unstable nucleus, loses an alpha particle to form radium. 

234Th90 4He2 + 230Ra88

Beta rays

Beta particles are formed when a neutron changes to a proton, unlike alpha particles. Neutrons are electrically neutral but have a mass. On the other hand, Protons are positively charged particles with a mass equivalent to that of neutrons. Therefore, in ideal conditions, when neutrons change to protons, an additional positive charge will be created, which violates the law of conservation of charges. 

To balance the transformation; it is considered that a neutron disintegrates into two particles- a proton with a positive charge and similar mass and a negatively charged electron with no mass. This electron is termed the beta particle. It is denoted by 0e-1.

234Th90 0e-1 + 234Pa91

Since the beta particle doesn’t have any mass, the mass number of Thorium and protactinium remains the same. However, as a new proton is created, the atomic number of protactinium has increased by 1. 

Gamma rays 

Gamma rays, highly energetic electromagnetic radiation generated during any type of reaction, are radiation. Since these radiations have waveforms, they do not have mass or charge. As they are EM waves, their energy is so high that they can easily penetrate through bones, lead walls, etc. 

This is why proper measurements must be taken to contain the radiation while harnessing its power. This type of radiation is harmful, so nuclear reactions are artificially triggered within thick concrete blocks, as this material can block the gamma radiations. 

Comparison of alpha rays VS beta rays VS gamma rays 


Alpha rays

Beta rays

Gamma rays


Alpha rays originate when a radioactive element loses two protons and two neutrons.

When a neutron converts into protons, the beta rays are produced. 

When the nuclear elements transform, energy is produced in electromagnetic radiations. These are known as gamma rays.


The alpha particles are bi positive helium ions. 

Beta particles are nothing but electrons. And hence they are negatively charged.

Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves and hence do not have any charge.


An alpha particle has the same weight as of hydrogen molecule: 1.008 amu

Being electrons, the beta particles don’t have any mass. 

The gamma rays are waves and not particles. Therefore, they don’t have a mass.

Ionization power 

Alpha rays can efficiently ionize any molecule due to their heavy weight.

Beta rays have medium ionization power. 

Due to high speed and no weight, gamma rays cannot cause the disintegration of atoms or molecules. 

Penetration power 

Since alpha rays don’t have much energy, they cannot penetrate a thin paper.

The penetration power is slightly more than the alpha rays.

Gamma rays are highly energetic, and hence they have high penetration power.


Every type of reaction is radioactive, is highly dangerous and can even cause death if someone is directly exposed to them for a prolonged time. This is why appropriate steps are taken to ensure that everyone working with nuclear materials needs to wear lead lining suits and work in an environment made of thick concrete walls. Since nuclear energy is much needed in the form of sustainable energy, the study of radioactive radiations, their energy, the chain reactions, and more are studied in detail. 


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